Guitars pan,mix,volume....?


Nov 30, 2010
Hello! (delete thread before)
I just wonder a few things like panner,volume,mix,dub guitars....

Okay, i use amplitube 3 and impulses but doesn't get that fat and heavy sound.

What mix do you use on a heavy guitar like the devil wears prada, asking alexandria, attack attack similiar sound? (like EQ,Compressor,limiter....)

How many guitars is the standard for a good sound on a verse? leads and dubs..

should the dub guitars be much more lower then the lead guitars? and should the dubs have the same sound as the lead guitar or should it have any other sound?

what is the standard pan for good sound? like lead is 100 Right and the other 100 left but what should the dubs be?

Thank you very much for answers

Peace! \m/ (O_o) \m/
Aaaah the colors. My eyes hurt.

There's no set rules for anything. Most rhythm tracks are usually 100% L and R. Leads and other stuff move around as you see fit. No compression or limiting on rhythm guitars except if you really know what you're doing, and in really specific cases. Ditch Amplitube, get free VST amp sims. Most of the "heaviness" come from the bass anyways. Use the search function, etc etc, there's a thread exactly like this every other day.
Amplitube 3 isn't all that bad if you're a super tweeker.
I use it and have gotten great results

Their is a thread with tons of FREE amp sims listed that are just marvelous.
Do a search for it
I swear, this forum will eventually become NOTHING BUT about Attack whatever and Devil Wears Chanel and Questioning Alexander type of crap. Uggggh. :( :Puke:
9/10, would lol again. 1 point off for not actually mentioning Joey Sturgis by name.

That would really help out hobbyists like myself with limited time on our hands!
9/10, would lol again. 1 point off for not actually mentioning Joey Sturgis by name.

it's because it doesn't read in the mp3's ;)

I seriously think we just need to find ALL the threads with all the "typical" questions and create a sub forum that is called:


Then just sticky and lock all the threads.

...and that link is actually in my sig.
man and i thought i'm an amatuer....

OT have you ever been disguasted by the fact the EVERYTHING people are talking about is the SOUND?
no one talks about MUSIC anymore, just the chemical joy certain frequencies and certain harmonies provide...

no qoutes like "under the lights where we stand tall" anymore...
OT have you ever been disguasted by the fact the EVERYTHING people are talking about is the SOUND?
no one talks about MUSIC anymore, just the chemical joy certain frequencies and certain harmonies provide...
I can see your point, it's becoming hard to find people who care about how well written a song was, or how great are the arrangements. They just care about "sound heaviness".
But this is a recording forum, that's why everybody (myself included) ask stuff about sound... not music theory.

back to the topic: I'm a freaking newbie, but even i know that those questions have been answered like 10.000 times.

Guys there is now awesome music in this thread.
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but yeah, here are the million dollar settings for you, remember these are secret so don't tell them forward:

- put everything louder and wider than everything else
- ????
- profit

totally agreed.
just squeez those knobs on your comp/limiter/maximizer and never mind
if the lyrics are bullshit, the solos are half-written, the drummer and bass player just met this morning and hey! who the fuck cares if the verse comes before or after the bridge?

maybe once we got to the point where good sound is possible to produce everywhere we should disscuss matters like what different time signatures make you feel or if using the choros without vocals sounds good as an intro

just a thought...
more like production, which will make your music much better than adding another db to the comp. threshold...