Harmonized lead guitars


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
Say you are doing a mix where the lead guitar is harmonized in certain sections, like a second lead guitar that just comes in here and there.
How do you handle the panning? I like to pan harmonized guitars pretty hard right and left, but when most of the lead is a single guitar I of course like it in the middle. I always wonder what will sound the best when transitioning between the two. I've tried automating the panning on the main track and shifting it over when the harmony comes in, but that usually sounds pretty wierd.

How do you guys handle that?
I just automate the pan and the volume, probably 35L/35R and drop them a couple db when the second guitar comes in. Either that or just have 3 tracks set up instead of 2, and just A/B between track 1 (the parts with just 1 guitar) and tracks 2 and 3 (parts with both guitars).