

Jun 25, 2007
I saw the live video of Aces High and I noticed that you were using an ESP Michael Ammot signature guitar. I also saw the Wasted Years video and I saw you using an ESP Guitar. Which ESP guitar were you using in that video an what do you think of ESP Guitars? As far as ESP guitars I'm thinking about getting an F-50, EX-50, EC-1000, or a Viper 400 which has EMG's but I'd take out the EMG's and put in either a Seymore Duncan Dave Mustaine signature pickups or Seymore Duncan Blackouts which would save me money on a noise suppressor.
besides heather using an esp or two on our latest cd, no guitarist has ever used esp with the iron maidens. perhaps your thinking of the fernandes liz used sometimes.
I saw the live video of Aces High and I noticed that you were using an ESP Michael Ammot signature guitar. I also saw the Wasted Years video and I saw you using an ESP Guitar. Which ESP guitar were you using in that video an what do you think of ESP Guitars? As far as ESP guitars I'm thinking about getting an F-50, EX-50, EC-1000, or a Viper 400 which has EMG's but I'd take out the EMG's and put in either a Seymore Duncan Dave Mustaine signature pickups or Seymore Duncan Blackouts which would save me money on a noise suppressor.

Not a professional oppinion this but.....

....why buy an ESP and then change the pickups? why not just buy a guitar that has the "sound" you want? It seems to me to be some sort of brand loyalty.

The only time I have changed a pickup was when one broke, and granted I changed it for a Seymour Duncan Pearly gates because it was the best I could afford at the time.

I understand that professional players will often customise a guitar, and I admit I am assuming that you are not a pro, as in a session musician etc.

I just fail to see the reasoning behind buying a stock guitar and then ripping out a goiod set of pickups to replace them with something you prefer, Its like buying a signature series guitar and swapping the makes no sense.

I'm not having a dig at you here btw, its mean to be an honest question. I am not a professional player, I play for fun, I record covers at home on my PC with a mate and thats about as far as things go. All the guitarists I know think the same as myself regarding purchase of a guitar and then immediatly changing it.

Maybe it's a pricing thing, a $1000 guitar in the US would cost £1000 in the UK, making it s $2000 guitar and I guess the same would go for pickups too. For example a Seymour duncan JB pickup would cost around about £80 in the UK, thats $160. Dont know what the price would be in the US but I would hazard a guess it might be less than $160

I once looked into buying a cheap guitar and putting in some decent pickups, but the age old addage of "you cant polish a turd" kept coming up. So again, I find myself asking why pay the money for an ESP guitar and then paying a lot of money for an outstanding set of pickups, when you may be able to buy the guiatr with thepickup already in and save money that way?
it's been my experience that most stock pups are lame - gibson and fender, bc rich even. yeah but if it comes with emgz thats the shit. btw a jb is like only 80 bucks here - and they do polish turds quite nicely!

oh yeah, just got word my blackie required a new neck too - so basically only the guts survived!