guns guns guns! help plz

guns are not bad at all. it's assholes that can't fire them and blow their own feet off or let kid use them as toys that are bad.

frankly, i'm paranoid. i don't trust the police or the government. guns are a good way of deterring them from getting pushy.
well, i'm not a big fan of guns, but that's because my personal culture is like the polar opposite of hicky American gun culture. but i think people should try most everything once, so i want to see what it's like firing an automatic weapon without actually having to kill people doing it.
do the guys who run shooting ranges laugh at you if you spend your whole shooting-time muttering "A to the K, motherfucker...A to the motherfucking K" under your breath?
well, my father is a left wing radical. so aren't most of his friends that were totally fucked by the government because they were poor/not white during the vietnam era.

brooklyn's provincial, dude! (provincial as in unsophisticated) left-wingers can be gun nuts, but they're not as core to the "american gun culture". whether that's fair or not. :)
i just have no idea where these provincial conservative gun freaks are that you've met and you are referring to. or is it a stereotype? i am being honest. i don't know any of them. all the guys i know that use guns or whatever that are older like my dad are pretty liberal and always vote democratic/independent.