Guns N Roses at the MTV Awards


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Here's Metal Sludge's take on it:

Well that sucked.

As you've probably heard by now, Guns N Axl or whatever he wants to call his band, closed the MTV Awards and basically they sucked. Axl sounded.....well, horrible. Even the deaf would be traumatized by prolonged exposure to listening to Axl try and sing. I'd rather listen to cats fucking. Poison, Kiss, or even Motley Crue would have come off way better! I didn't think I'd say this, but Vince Neil sounds way better now than Axl Rose, and that's not saying much. Hell, any band on the Rock Fest tour sounds better. I said SOUND, not looks, pay attention.

They started off with "Welcome To The Jungle" and everything was great until Axl opened his mouth. Then they did that new song that nobody cares about and then finished with "Paradise City." Anybody who hasn't seen Guns N Roses before was probably thinking that they were going to see this insane show because of all the hype, but instead they got poked right in the eye. All the kids of today probably just went, "What the fuck was that all about?" It was a great opportunity to have that type of music on MTV but after that, I don't think you'll be seeing too much of it. Personally, I would have enjoyed the performance more if it wasn't for my TV. It was on.

The band itself sounded good musically, but Buckethead looks like he should be related to Wes Borland. Nobody gives 2 fucks about any of them, and Axl is running around with braids in his hair as if we're suppose to think that's his real hair. Fuck, you could probably take off Axl's braids and put it on Moby and you'd have the same effect.

Seriously, Guns N Roses have been one of the most overrated bands for quite a while, and tonight's performance screamed why. He never had a good voice and was losing it back in 92. Now it's 10 years later and it ain't any better! Axl basically just buried Guns N Roses because that performance isn't going to gain them any new fans, and it's going to lose whoever's left. In fact, most 80s band that are still touring are BETTER than them. Fucking Quiet Riot, Dokken, Ratt, L.A. Guns, Cinderella, Ratt, and even Warrant sound better than Guns N Roses do. I'm not saying those bands should be playing the MTV Awards, but everybody needs to get off Guns N Roses nuts because they're just not that good. It's not 1987 anymore people. Axl's voice has gone the way of the dinosaurs and his hairline is not too far behind. Pity.

I also like how all the VJs jumped up and down after the performance like a bunch of trained monkeys saying how great it was. Were they watching the same thing the rest of us were? Yet again, how would they know what qualifies as good music considering they don't play any!

Rumor has it that after that performance they're going to Axl the off key to the city.

You can read the rest here:
The point about it being a wasted opportunity to put that type of music back on MTV is true. And sad really. I think if Poison were on it would've been a different story as they are still a strong live act.

One more chance at hard rock making a return out the window...
Geez,I hope the albums gonna be worth the wait!!

Trivia fans:I saw Gn'R on the Appetite tour with Faster Pussycat opening at Colston Hall in Bristol.There were only 300-400 people there.Fuck I wish I had the ol' time machine to see that one again!!
I for one wouldn't listen to what Metal Sludge have to say about them. Axel has never sounded good live - that much is fact - but still manages to rock.
Originally posted by Smashed
Geez,I hope the albums gonna be worth the wait!!

Trivia fans:I saw Gn'R on the Appetite tour with Faster Pussycat opening at Colston Hall in Bristol.There were only 300-400 people there.Fuck I wish I had the ol' time machine to see that one again!!

Lucky bastard!!!! How was it?
Great show!Axl kicked a fan in the back,and nearly landed on my head when he stage dived during Paradise City :headbang:

Told my friends the next day that Faster Pussycat were gonna be HUGE!!

Not one of my better music predictions :lol:
Did you see the new freaks in the band ? They did rock though
Axel did sound shit, he has always been shit live but it was so much worse, like he was really straining get the words out.
Originally posted by Gavin
Did you see the new freaks in the band ? They did rock though
Axel did sound shit, he has always been shit live but it was so much worse, like he was really straining get the words out.

Hey Gavin! :wave: