Guns n' Roses has a new singer?

ah, another type of crack which summons a pipe...

Lanegan has had his own problems with heroin, as so many of the seattle types have...but he's an excellent singer and lyricist, his solo cds all have alot to recommend them when you are in a moody but non metal mood. now that the Screaming Trees appear to be no more, and he's only part time QOTSA, he might be looking for a full time gig.
Papa Josh said:
Heroin is no laughing matter and I take offense to anyone who would think so.
No it isn't, but don't expect me to cry over a rock n' roll junkie. I spent a good portion of my life (still do in many respects) worshipping Alice in Chains, and I was both upset for and pissed at Layne throughout their career. I still remain in that conflicted state after his death, but moreso pissed at him and sad for those he left behind.
Papa Josh said:
It's not just richers, as you called it. Plus, keep in mind that all of these people were unknowns at one point and most were doing heroin back then. Heroin is no laughing matter and I take offense to anyone who would think so. It's a shame, but some of the most beautiful, meaningful music comes from tortured souls.. Layne Stayley, rest his soul.. Everyone knows Dave Mustaine's music was better back in the days, with Rust In Peace being the sole exception to the rule...

I am by no means condoning heroin use, it's a disease, second only to cigarettes in terms of addiction...

Sigh, you and your liberal-ness. :)

Please don't expect me to pull punches or not call a spade a spade. If you stick a needle in your arm by choice once, and become a junkie that cannot help him or herself, it's no one's fault but your own. Weiland's an idiot, and I will indeed laugh at him. Even though he's now claiming the drugs belonged to a mysterious woman he was "giving a ride home to." Shyeah, right, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

And for the record, if I can kick cigs, then Weiland can quit sticking a needle in his arm, or snorting it, or whatever he does to get off...
markgugs said:
Sigh, you and your liberal-ness. :)

Please don't expect me to pull punches or not call a spade a spade. If you stick a needle in your arm by choice once, and become a junkie that cannot help him or herself, it's no one's fault but your own. Weiland's an idiot, and I will indeed laugh at him. Even though he's now claiming the drugs belonged to a mysterious woman he was "giving a ride home to." Shyeah, right, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

And for the record, if I can kick cigs, then Weiland can quit sticking a needle in his arm, or snorting it, or whatever he does to get off...

This has nothing to do with my "liberalness." I hate the term liberal, very limiting. Besides, I am a person of contradictions, anyway. But life is full of contradictions...

More power to you for kicking the cigs, there are a lot of people who just can't. On Ali's suggestion I watched The Insider and I can now say after seeing this film that those who still smoke are just fucking idiots. Period. You're not getting real tobacco, you're getting the equivalent of a Chicken Mcnugget, which is made of "mechanically separated" chicken. Such is the same with almost all name brand cigarettes, it's interesting when you consider that the tobacco industry is more concerned with delivering nicotine than they are with what is supposed to be their industry: TOBACCO.

$5-$7 for a pack of sticks that don't even get you high..... What is the fucking world coming to?

Legalize marijuana, get the tobacco farmers growing fields of cannibis, tax it, solve a lot of our problems both criminal and social.
Papa Josh said:
Legalize marijuana, get the tobacco farmers growing fields of cannibis, tax it, solve a lot of our problems both criminal and social.
Can I get an amen!?!?

I know that Winston prides itself on that No Additives slogan, but who knows what's in any of those things. I quit 4 months ago and hopefully won't ever start up again. I love cigs and I always will, but that's the price you pay for a cheap 2 second buzz and stinky breath I suppose. . . . . hey wait! What a rip! :grin:
BUMP because this GnR/STP member'd band is on the radio right now. Sounds like good ol' hard rock to me, I like it! Slash can still solo! Band name is Velvet Revolver, song name Set Me Free from the Hulk Soundtrack.
I heard a new song from them during the half-time of the spurs/nets game last night ... something called SET ME FREE ... nothing that made me turn around and watch the TV ... some generic rock song
NAD said:
BUMP because this GnR/STP member'd band is on the radio right now. Sounds like good ol' hard rock to me, I like it! Slash can still solo! Band name is Velvet Revolver, song name Set Me Free from the Hulk Soundtrack.

Come on - Slash can do no wrong! (Except maybe that Snake pit project). But even his Wacko Jacko and Lenny Kravitz stuff was pretty smooth!

Slash's best guitar solos = Nightrain | Mr Brownstone | November Rain | Always on the Run.
Paradise City just came on the radio. :)

Mr. Brownstone has the best everything in it, that song is one of my all time favorites.

What I meant is that Slash can still play well after all these years. Maybe I just always assume the worst because of what happened to Metallica. :lol: