Guns n Roses kick off Canadian Tour

Strangely enough I have yet to meet one person who bought this. Still it does not surprise me that people bought it there was marketing behind it. But it selling numbers well what does that say after all a guy was able to get a lot of people to buy a rock in the 70s.
I think the GnR thing is like a car wreck for those who like to rubber-neck. That is most people. But what what do rubberneckers do they just get in everyone's way. Talking about Axel and GnR is just that it seems. There are so many bands out there more deserving of focus than Axel and his exploits.
For my money that band only put out one album and it went down hill from there. Not saying there wasn't good moments but 'Appetite' will always be Guns n Roses.
Happens to be one of my top ten albums of all time.
I hated watching a childhood hero turn into such a douche bag. But as Mr. Rotten said, "hereos who needs them".

Oh yeah, one more thing. As far as the "marketing" you speak of. Barely. Yes, they had a deal with Best Buy but as far as what I say Best Buy did shit to promote the damn thing. I hardly ever saw a commercial for it and when I did it was a quick 15 second clip with the cover art. Considering how long it took, the thing should've been heavily promoted and wasn't. I even know many people who were GNR fans who, had I not told them about it, would never have known it came out. All Best Buy seemed to do was put it in the front of the store. Most of the numbers in my opinion were from GNR fans that knew about it already and were keeping tabs on it. Best Buy did shit and not so surprisingly, the band, i.e. Axl did shit to promote it.

As far as your opinion of Axl goes, that's cool. He's notorious for being a big time asshole, but like everything else, I always separate the person from the art.

BTW, I realize on this and the other response I may be coming off a little hostile. It's not intended. It just to this day infuriates me how little Best Buy tried to promote the thing as this is one of my favorite albums of the last decade.