Guns n' Roses tour 2017


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Tickets are on sale on Friday. Who's gonna go? I am.

The only show I've seen at the MCG is Sound Relief. What do you fine folks think would be the best bet for a ticket in a place like that?

I'd be interested, but probably not at the G. I'm pretty sure I can't afford the diamond or premium seats, and from anywhere else you might as well watch a YouTube stream.
I was thinking about it but will probably skip it. I've seen GNR twice, Slash four times and Duff once, so I don't really feel I need to see the new lineup. I also think they've overshot just how popular the tour will be, so I'll see how ticket prices are closer to the show.
I ended up going and had a fun time. Slash with his band was better though and, dare I say, GNR on their last two times here was better as well.
It's a good album, even if it's of a different style to the others. There's a few really good songs on there.
I still say it'd have been hailed as a brilliant album if it was put out buy "Axl Rose and Friends". But by having "Guns-n-Roses" on the cover it had to be compared with Appetite, and it was never going to be able to do that, even if was 10 years in the making.
Give it a go Southy! What you been listening to?

And yeah I think you're right, phlog. Releasing it as Axl and Friends would have garnered a different reaction. Another problem was the 10 year thing - people had higher expectations after such a long wait.