Guys, all the world is bright today....

because my family and I are alive. we had a fire in our apt on friday eve! the power went out in the neighborhood so we lit a bunch of smokeless storm wife put some in what she thought was a ceramic mug but was really plastic, we all fell asleep....and then...the detector woke us up, the candles had melted the mug and lit the top shelf of a bookcase on fire, and the wall with it!!! It was scary as shit waking up, all disoriented, to flames and smoke. Fortunately we have an extinguisher which was put to good use. If we had slept only a minute or two more, who knows what might have happened.

holy shit!

i can't imagine waking up to flames and smoke. i need to check my detector batteries. now i'm all freaked out.

ok, good thing we didn't have to wonder "where's lizard?" and then one day years later come across an old issue of the OHIO TIMES with the headline LIZARD KILLED IN HOUSEFIRE.
yeah I check the batteries every few months, and thank god I bought that fire extinguisher. I have always been afraid of burning to death and after Erica hosed the fire down with the extinguisher I went into the room to get the window open to air out the house...the smoke was so thick that in only seconds my eyes were burning and I had to feel my way back to the doorway after I had gotten the window open...

thanks for all the good thoughts folks! I often wonder what happens to people who just drop off boards and such, and who knows what happened to them!
everyone laughs at me because i have 4 fire extinguishers and extra smoke detectors. my sister was an arson investigator. I KNOW WHASSUP.