GWAR - War Party

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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GWAR War Party
DRT Entertainment

1 Bring Back The Bomb
2. Krosstika
3 Womb With A View
4 Decay of Grandeur
5 War Party
6 Bonesnapper (The Faces of the Stain)
7 Lost God
8 The Reaganator
9 The Bonus Plan
10. You Can’t Kill Terror
11 Fistful of Teeth

GWAR has always been one of those bands that you either get or you don’t get. I get them. I’ve always liked their mixture of metal, satire, and just plain strangeness. Fast forward to the year 2004, and GWAR have released a brand new album, and it is all metal this time. This is in essence, a continuation of their last album, “Violence Has Arrived”, which started to shed behind some of the satirical GWAR, and focus more on the song writing. This album is damn heavy, and catchy as all hell. They started with this format on the last album, and added more groove to the music this time. There are so many great songs included here, that it is really hard to pick out stand out tracks, as this stands to be listened to as a whole experience, and not piece by piece. The album kicks off hard with “Bring Back The Bomb”, which is a blistering heavy track. On “Womb With A View”, it starts off an amazingly intense riff that blends well into a very groovy tune. There are of course moments when they inject some other styles into their metal, such as “War Party”, which really has a rocking almost beach party vibe to it, as strange as that sounds. Even different members get their chance to shine, as “The Bonus Plan”, breaks into a fast punk song, sung completely in French. They even slow it down for the last track, “Fist Full of Teeth”, which is a weighty ending to the album.

Now, don’t you worry, there are still plenty of the lyrics they had become famous for. And, when you combine that with the remarkable songs that are just oozing with metal; you have in your hands, the perfect GWAR album, and one that will draw in so many new fans that were put off by their shtick. I have been afraid that the band would start to lose some of that magic after doing it for so many years, but quite the opposite. They keep on getting better and better with each album. They have reached a point in their musical abilities, where everything just flows out naturally, and sounds pitch perfect now. It is definitely apparent that they have matured in their abilities. Just listen to the music now, my friends, and let the music do the talking. Give them another chance, and you will be pleasantly surprised, and will actually thank yourself later. This is definitely the album that will make you look at GWAR differently. I believe this is really the best GWAR album since “Scumdogs of the Universe”, and they really have outdone themselves this time.

Rating: 8.0 /10

Evil C
GWAR is one of those bands I've always sort of meant to check out but keep forgetting to. Anyone else have that? :oops:
Ayeka said:
GWAR is one of those bands I've always sort of meant to check out but keep forgetting to. Anyone else have that? :oops:
I'd say GWAR is one of those bands that I've never meant to check out, and never have.:D Actually, the review has piqued my curiosity a bit.

The fan boy that I am, I tried to track down the GWAR album that John Cobbet played on, but alas, no such luck....can't even remember which album it is.

The band are famous for their live shows, that much I do know!

Looks like CObbett quit before they released an album.

I have only heard one album of theirs, America Must Be Destroyed, which is commonly referred to as their best. I thought it was quite good, even if the lyrics are very goofy. If you see it used somewhere, don't hesitate to grab it.
I only ever heard a few songs from Green Jello, bt I didn't like it. That vocalist was annoying.
Green Jellö had a lot to offer really. They were one of those bands that on the surface they could be dismissed as a joke band, but if you paid attention there was a lot to discover. Similar to Primus in this fashion.

Well, the Cereal Killer Soundtrack anyhow. 333 sorta sucked and I lost it years ago, as far as I know they never released anything else.
yes, green jelly had some potential with the first album, if you could accept the joke. Just like gwar. although gwar has progressed into something more these days.

I saw green jello live many many years ago, and they were just as fun on stage.