Gwynbleidd - Geographically Dislocated

By Sam Brokenshaw

Gwynbleidd are a heady mixture of folk and metal influences hailing from parts unknown, wait... New York. Fans of Primordial, Opeth and so on would do well to take notice!


Introduce yourself to the Ultimate Metal masses! Could you tell us who does what for Gwynbleidd?

Gwynbleidd is a dark/aggressive/progressive metal music project based in New York City, US. Our influences are not just limited to the underground metal but alsom embrace forms of folk and even touches of blues. The band consists of Adam on drums, Michal on rhythm and lead guitars and clean vocals, Maciej (me) on rhythm guitars and growled vocals, and Jakub on bass.

Being from New York does the band feel a little geographic displacement in terms of style? I wouldn't normally associate
Gwynbleidd's music with either the US or a heavily populated urban location...

You've nailed it. Although we live in NYC now, we all come from a places far away that probably lended themselves to better development of our "un-urban" style. We are as displaced stylistically as anyone has ever been I think...

What influences Gwynbleidd? (In terms of other bands/cinema/literature)

Lots of different music, from underground metal through more authentic forms of folk, blues, jazz.. we all have our own set of influences.
Personally, in terms of cinema and literature I am a fan of epic, historic and fantasy genres.

Which other bands do Gwynbleidd collectively respect the most?

Collectively.. tough to say, Michal and I would probably agree on some artists that Adam couldn't care less about. I'll try to do everyone justice: Opeth, Kat, Borknagar, Emperor, My Dying Bride, Fidelius for Michal and I... Meshuggah, Mastodon, and lots of Jazz artists for Adam. I won't even dare guess what Jakub would put in this answer.

Do you view the current alternative/extreme music world as being in entropy or showing encouraging signs?

I'm a foolish optimist (although some people who know me would probably think just the opposite of me). I would say yes, things are
on the upswing for heavier, more extreme forms of music.

Tell us about your new album, "Amaranthine"...

Amaranthine EP consists of four songs, nearly 40 minutes of diverse thematically conceptual music. The material is supposed to foreshadow
two planned future releases. Where as "Nostalgia" and "New Setting" are more melancholic dark prog death metal pieces that are set to appear
on our first album, "The Awakening" and "Lure of the Land" are folk metal epics, and sings of things to come post first full length.

Rapid fire questions!

1. In your opinion, is it likely that George Bush is actually an inbred yokel?

No political questions.. lets talk about bigger better things.

2. Coffee or tea?

Coffee.. and lots of it.

3. Old Opeth VS Ghost Reveries?


4. Winamp VS iTunes?

Winamp - old school.

5. Lord of the Rings (the movies). Masterpieces or master-pieces-of-crap?


6. In a perfect world, what would be the best thing to happen to Varg Vikernes?

In a perfect world he'd focus on writing more music instead of doing what he did.

7. Hellraiser or Candyman?

No idea

8. Devin Townsend... genius or lunatic?

A healthy mix of both. Isn't every genius a lunatic anyways?

9. Should Napalm death just call it quits and stop making sub-par albums?

Haven't been keeping up so I can't say. They're good live, and I hear the new one is supposed to be good? Let 'em be.

10. Use the following formula to create porn star names for each band member. (First name= first pets name, surname=mothers maiden name).

Jesus chrystler, who came up with that one???

What can we expect from Gwynbleidd in the near future?

Music. Maybe a news release or two? A couple of shameless plug message board posts.. a live show here or there, etc. You get the point.

Any famous last words?

I'm terrible with remembering quotes, names, lyrics.... but I can sure find a way to the nearest pub.

Ultimate Metal Reviews of Amaranthine EP

Official Gwynbleidd Site
Hahaha, so many years later and the Hopkin is still bashing Bush.. man you fit in a lot better with the Sublevels crowd. :) Good interview nonetheless!
Gwynbleidd is a dark/aggressive/progressive metal music project based in New York City, US. Our influences are not just limited to the underground metal but alsom embrace forms of folk and even touches of blues. The band consists of Adam on drums, Michal on rhythm and lead guitars and clean vocals, Maciej (me) on rhythm guitars and growled vocals, and Jakub on bass.

Being from New York does the band feel a little geographic displacement in terms of style? I wouldn't normally associate
Gwynbleidd's music with either the US or a heavily populated urban location...

You've nailed it. Although we live in NYC now, we all come from a places far away that probably lended themselves to better development of our "un-urban" style. We are as displaced stylistically as anyone has ever been I think...
This band sounds exactly like Opeth. Good musicians but so not innovative or original in anyway.