Gym near the venue

I checked out the video tour on 1440 and it looks like it has a pretty descent weight room. Cardio is just lifting weights faster...

I really not happy unless I'm listening to or lifting something heavy. My wife has gotten used to the fact I'm a gym rat...
Detox before we Retox - that's our motto :D
I've been hitting the gym at the Artmore for the last few years, usually between 9:00 and 10:00 am. It's not much, but it has a working treadmill and free weights. Planning on adding a 5k run with Shannon a couple of days this year too. I have found detoxing before retoxing has helped my PP stamina immensely!!

Hope the thread starter has found a place to get his lifts in.
If anyone wants, I can probably hook you all up with a local yoga instructor/trainer. If you're interested, let me know and I'll talk to a few of them and get some group rates and whatnot for you.