Haha Eddie officially asks David to rejoin VH


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
LOL, sorry but this has become a complete farce...From Brave Words


Posted on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 15:33:03

The following is a quote from VAN HALEN guitarist Eddie Van Halen, lifted from a new Guitar World article and posted in the Forums at the Diamond DAVID LEE ROTH fan site:

"I'm telling Dave. 'Dude get your ass up here and sing, witch! Come On!'" says Van Halen. "As it stands right now, the ball is in Dave's court. Whether he wants to rise to the occasion is entirely up to him, but we're ready to go."

"Wolfgang breathes life into what we're doing," says Ed. "He brings youthfullness to something that's inherently youthful. He's only been playing bass for 3 months, but it's spooky. He's locked tight and puts an incredible spin on our dookie. The kidis kicking my ass! He's spanking me now, eve though I never spanked him. To have my son follow in my footsteps on his own, without me pushing him into it, is the greatest feeling in the world."

The Forums poster states: "No b.s... Ed DOES have Wolfie playing bass in Van Halen, and he IS publicly offering David Lee Roth the job...."

Stay tuned for updates on this situation.

Thanks for the update Bear.:kickass:

I hope DLR tells him that Michael Anthony has to be in the band too if he wants a tour :heh: i would pay for that in a heartbeat!!!!!!
This is certainly a step in the right direction. Sure, DLR's voice is suspect nowadays, but I'm betting most are willing to overlook that to see him reunite with VH, I know I sure am. Maybe Wolfgang can just play rhythm if they get Michael back. And hey DO need him back.
This is sad......There's noway that I'd pay $80-$100 per ticket to see a VH without Michael Anthony, with or without DLR! I'm a fan of both VH and Van Hagar, so I really don't care who sings, but it's not Van Halen without Anthony and his Jack Daniels bass guitar! :err:
Hey, this is actually a great idea! Because when DLR rejoins the band, then they can have of his certainly many children bord out of wedlock to join the band, too. Then the older guys can leave, and the new band can be called Van Halen Babies!

Hey, it works for cartoon shows to introduce "<insert title> Babies" so why not for rock bands?

I would like to see this happen just to see the fallout from it. DLR + VH = entertainment. Good or bad it should be entertaining. I would never expect VH of old as DLR'S voice is shot and without mike anthothy's voice they got nothing.
Always liked VH with Roth, VanHager did little for me even though Hagar is the much more talented individual.

Saw them on the 1984 tour at The Garden.
Was not all that impressed then by Roth...nor really with the rest of the band at that point in their career.

Saw Roth on the co-tour with Hagar a few years back.
REALLY was not impressed with him then.
(Hagar opened and kicked ass....could have gone home happy then)

Sooo....not likely to be at this one unless they are giving the seats away.

Now....would definitely go see Hagar anytime (solo).....he puts on one fun show.