Haha Eddie officially asks David to rejoin VH

Why cannot people just call it a god-damned day? Look, there is a school of thought ththat believes the book of metal guitar begins and ends with EVH. Not that I agree or disagree with that statement. But, there was a time when you went to a VH show, and it was a 3-ring circus! DLR would be doing backflips, and EVH would be going nutzo on his axe. Michael and Alex would be doing their thing, and the audience would be going bonkers. But, those days are Lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng gone. That Van Halen died when Oliver North's attorney yelled "I am not a potted plant!" during Iran/Contra. Huh? Exactly. At this point, I don't think they could get much interest except from nostalgia buffs, who will fork over $250 to see the geriactric gang do their thing. Me? I'd rather live with the memories.

Ray C.
This whole thing is comical. Even though I'm not a VH fan in general, and DLR has released some terrible solo albums, I think that Eddie needs Dave more than Dave needs him.
Me Wise Magic and Can't Get This Stuff No More from Best Of - Vol 1 were fucking great, and I think showed there was still some "magic" left ther. That was probably the right time for DLR to re-up with VH, and had they done more songs like that they actually could have seen a bit of a resurgance.
I've always been more of a Hagar fan than DLR but like both simply bc I've always enjoyed Eddie's guitar work; however, I would not pay the money to see VH without Michael. In my own personal opinion, the band wouldnt be the same without Michael.