haha, fuck FartO)))

Erik said:
of course there's going to be mass amounts of whining when for some inexplicable reason, a band that has NO mainstream appeal whatsoever and that 99% of everyone will just have NO chance of understanding is hyped to the point that sunn o))) is

what about the .37% of us who do understand but wish we didnt because the band fucking sucks?
dorian gray said:
Meh, cracks me up when I hear stories of attitude coming from these underground bands who make $12,000 a year. Music is a strange business. In the "real" world, business people must be professional or their product is marked for ever. In music, word of assholeness rarely gets out. Cheers for this dude for calling out some apparent dickheads.

I'd like to hear Stephen's side of this story, especially since there's an obvious personal bias in that post and this guy just seems to be running off any reason to complain (which is understandable if they did act like pricks), but I definitely agree that arrogance from bands lucky to have small cult followings is hilarious. So is this guy expressing need for revenge like an infant...
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Thus continunes the trend of NAD's favourite artists being total assholes :loco:
hahahaha awesome.

Sunn O))) kick my dick in. Generally speaking bizarre bands like this I can safely own 0 to 1 album from and be more than set, but I own all Sunn O))) full lengths, and they all have something great to offer as far as I'm concerned. Killer band.

Oh yeah and when I saw them live the dudes were chatting with people in the crowd before they hit the stage. Weren't dickly at all.
Doomcifer said:
i'm sure there' more but i can't remember..oh, and by the way today marks about 60 days of sobriety for me, which is definitely weird...not a single drop of alcohol, not bad if i do say so myself.
haha, I just caught this part. What a homo!

I respect the band on an artistic level and can understand what they're trying to do, and I am glad I went to see them...but I don't need anymore of their CDs and I don't need to see them again, unless they begin doing something different. as a Boris fan, obviously I can appreciate some drone, but Sunn0 is like drone in the la brea tar pits.
here's the review of the show I went to, from the local alternative newspaper.

Scary as Hell

Each year, Memorial Day weekend brings Youngstown’s Emissions from the Monolith festival, a multi-day state of the union for the underground metal nation.

And once again, our proximity to Youngstown paid off with a plethora of heavy, adventurous shows, capped off with Sunn0))) and Boris at Mershon Auditorium Saturday.

Japanese power trio Boris opened its set with “Blackout,” a lumbering metal dirge that sounded like vintage Black Sabbath played at half the speed and double the heaviness.

Like the song, the band’s performance was masterful, showcasing how solid Boris is as a trippy metal band.

The band was just as quick to kick out the jams, as with the frenetic “Pink,” a breakneck freak-out of a song that couldn’t have been further from the set’s first song.

Much of the performance showcased Boris’s lean, muscular rock – a formula that a lot of American bands have forgotten – topped off by an expansive stoner rock epic that built from a snail’s pace to a cacophony of noisy guitar squall.

With a sound that was both heavy and serene, a Zen-like metal, if you will, it would have been no slight for Boris to have stolen Sunn0)))’s thunder.

Sunn0))) is an odd duck in an increasingly creative underground metal scene, a band that relies on constant guitar drone and swaps ambience and atmospherics for riffing. Like most ambient music, few know how it would turn out in a live format.

It turns out that live, Sunn0))) is scary as hell.

The stage was enveloped in a fog of chemical smoke thick enough to drive out some in the audience as the moors of Scotland replaced Mershon Auditorium. Through the hazy blue light, one could barely make out the hooded figures on stage.

The music was all sustained guitar chords, punctuated with occasional electronic manipulations and percussion.

Combined with the iconic scariness of men in black robes seen through fog, Sunn0)))’s set became a full sensory overload, physically taxing on the lungs and ears, and emotionally taxing on the primitive fear center of the brain.

Once the lights shifted to red, the idea that this was a ritual to some bowel-shaking dark god became a little more believable. It felt like we were literally going to hell.

Somewhere between the imagery and the drone, Sunn0))) transcended rock music, becoming a new genre unto itself – or possibly the end of rock and roll, a judgment day for an art form that has no story left to tell.

- Rick Allen
lizard said:
It turns out that live, Sunn0))) is scary as hell.

The stage was enveloped in a fog of chemical smoke thick enough to drive out some in the audience as the moors of Scotland replaced Mershon Auditorium. Through the hazy blue light, one could barely make out the hooded figures on stage.

The music was all sustained guitar chords, punctuated with occasional electronic manipulations and percussion.

Combined with the iconic scariness of men in black robes seen through fog, Sunn0)))’s set became a full sensory overload, physically taxing on the lungs and ears, and emotionally taxing on the primitive fear center of the brain.

Once the lights shifted to red, the idea that this was a ritual to some bowel-shaking dark god became a little more believable. It felt like we were literally going to hell.

Somewhere between the imagery and the drone, Sunn0))) transcended rock music, becoming a new genre unto itself – or possibly the end of rock and roll, a judgment day for an art form that has no story left to tell.

- Rick Allen
While I believe it would be musically impossible for SunnO}]>}]> to suck more ass, I have to say, that is a very cool review.

Sunn0))) live is closer to a religous experience than a concert in my opinion. I walked out of the concert feeling both exhausted, relaxed, and relieved. It was very interesting.
what a bunch of whining about nothing

all bands have bad days on tour too, as much as i hate rock star bullshit you have to give them the benefit of the doubt...so he got drunk and threw a monitor and the crew couldn't be arsed to apologize for him when whinemaster mcwhine threw a hissy fit, who fucking cares. i was expecting the story to have something actually wtf-worthy
Well, I have just recently gotten into Sunn. I have to say, I hated them at first. I thought the whole concept was completely stupid. As I got into more doom metal, I decided to give Sunn another chance. Now I find them very interesting, and yes, creepy. I would like to see them live for the unique experience it would be, but unfortunately I couldn't get into the club they played at because I turned 18 just a week too late. Oh well, maybe next time.
I'd say O'Malley is a fairly standoff-ish guy
when we played with khanate they all seemed pretty tired and irritable but not nasty or anything

we watched thier soundcheck and dubin just asked the soundguy (whos a longtime mate of ours) if he was holding back on the PA, which he was.
I told him it would be cranked later and he was cool about it.
thats all the contact we had...

but its understandable, its easy to get wound up before a gig

they all came out to the side and watched our whole set
then a quick changeover and they played

afterwards they were a lot more relaxed helped along by one or two of our dopehead friends, O'malley was talking to glyn (he'd done the poster) about design and he introduced me
we had a chat for a minute or two and he asked about my stuff, I gave him a copy of headworm
he thanked me and said he really enjoyed our set,
I also had a short chat with Dubin + Plotkin about general gig stuff, new york etc, Plotkin seemed to be the type who'd be interesting for a good drink out

its understandable not to get too friendly with unknown bands you play with because sometimes theyre very shit

the point being
maybe that incident was just a bum night
maybe the club had given them problems that haven't been mentioned??

who gives a fuck?
Just for the record, I think it's time I came out and told everyone that I play bass in SunnO)))