hahaha charlie tells iann the fanboy to bugger off!!

Originally posted by Fat Drunk and Stupid
What is the big deal? So he doesn't like Anthrax. Who cares? If everyone liked all the same stuff, things would get pretty boring pretty quickly.
The big deal is that he's considered MTV's "metal guy" and he rips on Anthrax, Slayer, and Pantera. How fucking metal is that? My guess is he used to get his fat ass kicked in high school by some dudes wearing Anthrax & Slayer shirts on a daily basis and he's still bitter.
Originally posted by Fat Drunk and Stupid
What is the big deal? So he doesn't like Anthrax. Who cares? If everyone liked all the same stuff, things would get pretty boring pretty quickly.

For having such a nick that you have you wouldn´t expect that reply, you made a bullseye-comment, exactly what I was going to say. Thanx for doing it for me man.
2 Rip on Anthrax is %100 wrong! Ian Robison must be a complete fool for saying that cause without Anthrax, the state of metal would be totally different. They are one of the four originators of American Speed/Thrash metal, and have survived longer than most bands(of any kind)! The guy has no clue, and we shouldnt get so worked up over a idiot! Literally! Maybe Ian can go make love to his "Disturbed" friends!


First off, anyone on MTV must be a huge Douche, second, the guy knows absolutely nothing about metal but tons of shit about pop music, and thirdly he is insanely annoying and to call himself a metalhead is making an oxymoron of himself, Moron being the opperative word.