Hail and Kill


New Metal Member
Jul 8, 2005
New York
(Apologies for the terribly cliche metal greeting, but I had to show you all how metal I am)


Greetings, My name is Adam, I am currently 20 years old and currently reside in the wasteland known as upstate New York. If you know anything of the Albany area you know what I am talking about. If you don;t know of Albany, let me tell you it is arguably the boredom capital of New England. The only activities one can do to stay busy are Drugs, sex and Music. I picked the later option. Again, I don't want to sound cliche but Metal is the only love in my life, and the only thing that still keeps me sane.

I am a relative metal newbie, just discovering metal in mid-2000. As with most metal newbies the band that introduced me to the metal was the almost taboo Slipknot. Thinking they were the most brutal band on earth I started checking into other heavy bands and discovered Decapitated and Morbid Angel. Two bands that pissed and shit all over the "9 headed monster out of Des Moines."

Before long, Slipknot was a thing of the past and I was completely emersed in the world of death metal. It seemed I couldn't find a band brutal enough for me. Houwitser, Disgorge, Deeds of Flesh, Psycroptic all came and went and I soon feel into the bastard son of nu-metal, metalcore.

It would be over another years before I discovered the band that would change my life. With my teen angst dwindling I began to look for bands to fit the new emotions I was feeling. This is when I discovered the greatest band ever, Iron Fucking Maiden. They changed my life and showed me the world of heavy metal and power metal. Fast forward to present day, where I am still obsessed with power metal.

My current favorites are Iron Maiden, King Diamond, Judas Priest, Iced Earth, Dragonforce, Gamma Ray, 3 Inches of Blood, Metal Church, Overkill, and Sonata Arctica.

Well, sorry for the fucking novel. I hope to be accepted into this metal community and have many good discussions :headbang: