Hail to.......Sweden (Swedish Heavy Metal)


Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
Chicagoland, Illinois
Got the idea from @Krow NWOBHM thread. Same idea here. Post classic and obscure stuff (and even new or retro stuff I guess :err:) and discuss. Seems like Sweden churned out a ton of classic or traditional heavy metal in the 80's. A lot of it very catchy, melodic and pretty kick ass. If the thread works, cool! If not then it can fade into obscurity.

Some favorite tunes.
@Master_Yoda77 posted this is getting reissued. Awesome news because its killer stuff. Have a bootleg cd so I'll be grabbing it.

And pretty big fan of these guys

Heavy Load, Axe Witch, and Overdrive are all killer. Never heard Crystal Pride or Mercy. Not sure about Torch or Silver Mountain. Checked out that Crystal Pride track last night, pretty awesome. Will give the other stuff a proper listening after work.

One of the better tracks on that Overdrive Swords and Axes album

A couple EP's

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Just discovered this and find it quite enjoyable:

And here's the demo version of the first song of the live clip above:

A new band, but sounding rather "old school".
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I've been getting into Swedish black metal a lot lately. I think it is better than Norwegian black metal. Marduk, Dissection, The Black, and Watain kick way more ass than Burzum and Darkthrone IMO. I will always be nostalgic about the Norwegian bands though because they got me into black metal.
Lethal's demo "Demolition" isn't that old (it's from 2004), but I think its old school Thrash Metal qualifies for this topic. The vocals remind me to a certain extent of those on my favourite Hexenhaus album "A Tribute to Insanity" (which probably isn't underground enough anymore on this forum to mention it here or is it?), as well some parts of the following songs:

They also released one full-length album, but I agree with the one who uploaded their demo-songs on youtube: I like the raw sound of the demo better.
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This thread is kewl. It's interesting how much of this sound made into that classic Sunlight death metal, in a form borrowed more directly via Candlemass. This fills in a gap in the evolutionary tree of the shit I dig. Thanks all!