Hail to the Thief

intet said:
boooring. most of the album could just as well have been improvised by anyone with a whiny voice.. i wouldn't even go as far as calling the different tracks "songs", as they are more a collection of sounds bound together to form something appealing to wannabe intellectual art students. ..guess they need something to listen to while eating David Lynch's ass.

why people go on and on about their precious Radiohead i'll never know.

because Radiohead is one of the few bands (actually the only one i can think of) who is putting the musicscene of today on a higher level.
Intellectual art? yes. Your loss pal.
Mariner said:
Is there a bonustrack or bonusdisc getting along with the limited edition. just because I'm deadpissed now :mad: and its up to you for putting me even further in the shit

No Mariner, but I suggest you take your copy back and grab this, as it will be collectable eventually, every store is pretty much getting both versions.
or Alternatively get you money back and order online, you are truly missing out I am afraid to say.
Don't forget to grab the "There There" single for two extra tracks

i've heard somewhere that you might have problems playing the cd in old cd-players cos it's copy-protected and that... that's probably why it wasn't playing. but yyour right anyway, the cd gets fucked, pulling it out-pushing it in, scratches and that... :erk:
Well, I didn't even bother playing it. I took one look, tried using a radial clean, looked at it again and took it back. They had another limited but I opted for a regular case.

Great CD by the way.

I think Radiohead is like the only band releasing decent videos these days too. Reminds me of the brilliance of a-ha's videos (Take on Me, Cry Wolf, The Sun Always Shines on TV, Summer Moved On, ect....). There, There kinda reminds me of work of Jan Svankmajer.
anyway, i guess ill keep the normal version, since there isnt anything special, cept for the case, about it. normal case is easier to put away as well.
Mariner said:
anyway, i guess ill keep the normal version, since there isnt anything special, cept for the case, about it. normal case is easier to put away as well.

I found it quite disappointing. being Radiohead my fave band of all time, it hurts.

great production, great electronic arreangements, cute melodies, but overall I found it very insipid. besides nothing really new being there, Thom's voice lacks the usual versatily, I'm unable to find any strong hooks and there's not a lot of emotion put in there, at least on comparison to their past albums.

while there were a couple unconsequential songs on Kid A and Amnesiac, at least they showed experimentation and the fun the band had with it. now it's just plain mediocre.

I'm really fucking sad about this all.