Hails from Poland


Old School Thrasher
May 26, 2004
Greetings all. Name's James, and I'm a native of SoCal, but now live in Poland and work here (and have worked in many other places around the world) as an English teacher.

Anyway, I was very much into thrash back in the day (Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Dark Angel, Death Angel, Voivod, Kreator, Nuclear Assault, etc., etc....). Metal seems to have-until recently, at least-become a very underground thing again...Thanks to all the emo/nu/alternative crap that the kiddies like-and waste their money on-these days.

Well, when I arrived in Poland a couple years back, I couldn't believe my ears! If metal was hiding under a rock in the States, it was right in your face in Europe: meaner, heavier, and maybe even better than I remembered it back in the late '80s/early '90s. Polish metal gods Vader were just the beginning....My students have introduced me to many great "second generation" bands (while I've schooled them on the great music of their forefathers) and I have managed to put together quite a nice little collection over here.

Okay, I'll wrap this up by saying it's great to see you all here, and it's fantastic to see metal kicking more ass than ever. Perhaps the world is not quite as fucked up as I thought....

By the way, I'm really digging tech-death at the moment (Anata, Martyr, Psychotogen, Capharnaum). In other words, very techincal shit with some GROOVE....not complicated noise by geniuses that forget to write SONGS!! I respect the most extreme musicians for pushing the envelope, but man, I'm still a thrasher at heart, and I need to bang my fucking head...AND be awed by amazing technical ability at the same time. Anyone here that knows what I'm talking about and might be able to turn me on to some good stuff, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks, and good listening,
