Half a haul (part 1)


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I ordered 7 albums from CD Universe and Laser's Edge (this last place has really cool stuff and prices). By an error from my part I put my local address instead of the P.O.Box/courier I have in Miami, luckily the package arrived intact, the local mail didn't steal anything and were no taxes (phew!).

This half of the haul consist in stuff I really wanted to have, plus some jewels I found scanning the Hawk SS database :grin: Thanks men for let me hear in advance and therefore going for sure with a purchase

Steel Prophet - "Beware" (2 CD version): as much as I enjoyed the MP3s, being sitted here hearing the album in my comp is a redimension of the feeling.
Yes, as we talk before Mythiasin is not longer here, but:

a) Nadir (I didn't know the guy is from Latin American origins ;) ): is a very capable vocalist, great strenght (reminds by moments to Tim Owens), nice melodic tone and the proper energy for the music.
b) Composition: two things I like a lote, first composition is getting more attention from Vince and Nadir, is no longer the exclusive dominion of Steve, and I believe that will help to give cohesiviness to the band.
C) Music: is heavier, not necesarilly faster, nor noisily modern, just heavier especially on the guitar work. The drumming by Kevin is pounding, fierce and energetic.

Most definitively a nice "comeback" for 2004, for one of the great underrated metal bands of the last years IMO.

The bonus CD ("Visions Past") really worth it too, even maybe more than the main one :lol:. First are unrealesed tracks with Rick Mythiasin, that are not only good songs, but also a great way to compare old Sp and new both in terms of the music and the vocals. Also some live versions, demos and a couple of jewels, a song with Nick Mantis (pre-Mythiasin) 'Firestarter', a live version of 'Fatal Euphoria' with the "Inner Ascendansce" line-up, plus the first version of 'Sungazer' which final version came in the OOP/ITG "Continuum" EP.
A must be for hardcore fans of the band (like me :grin: ).

Abattoir - "The Only Safe Place": from 1986 came this great example of US power/heavy metal with an attitude. A lot in the vein of old Steel Prophet plus Armored Saint, this album is about fast riffing, clean high pitched vocals, pndign drums and its of energy. A fast check up gave the listener the idea of a good discovery, I'll need more spins for a detailed review but so far was a nice purchase.

Pegazus - "Wings Of Destiny": what can I say here about one of the glories Down Under, that you don't know? The second album (1997) for the Aussies starts the way a metal album should start...grabbing by the throat and kickins ass. I heard 'Wings Of Steel' long ago and I fell from it since day one, a couple of years later I finallly got the album and hear it again is just as fresh. Danny Cecati is an awsome vocalist, the guitar work by Johnny Stoj is really fine (and I mean it, suddenly in middle of ths song came a solo that makes you stop and have a wet experience :loco: ) and the rythm section of Dave King (bass) and Robbie Stoj (drums) have a great metrical precision which makes the music a truly enjoyable experience.

One question, I have heard songs from both "Breaking The Chains" and "The Headless Horseman", are these albums good and cohesive enough to get them too?
Nice haul Wyvern! I would say to grab the Pegazus - Breaking The Chains if liked Wings. BTC is my favorite of the ones I've heard.... very metal! :)