Halford III - Winter Songs


Jan 3, 2009
Ive been listening to the two singles that were released by Halford
"Get into the Spirit" and "We Three Kings". I think its pretty awesome and I can't wait for it to be released...heres the two songs in case you haven't heard [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS4Uwfm-eOE&feature=player_profilepage[/ame] and [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXhbrReRDO8&feature=related[/ame] What do you guys think about it? It's kinda weird listening to Halford singing Christmas songs lol
I didn't like most of the vocals on the first song at all. What's with the drumming? Drum machine or just that horribly generic? Metal Mike did a good job with his solos, though.

I'll probably pick this up because it's Halford and all but dammit, I wanted a bit more.
I like 'Get Into The Spirit' pretty metal for me, but 'We Three Kings' is just plain bad :yuk:
Sounds pretty good. I was skeptical at the notion of a Halford Christmas album, but I'll definitely check it out.
Halford always surprises me by every album release

a Holiday-themed album is one of those surprises - I first heard about it when he was on That Metal Show (I was in the audience) and I later met him afterwards

Either way I look forward to hearing it
I have the complete album on it's way to me. I haven't heard these clips because I want to hear the thing in it's entirety.

Please, post a review here (of any lenght) after you have listended to it. I foresee it will be a mixed bag.:err:
These two tracks are enough for me to get excited over the album, if the album is as decent as these two songs are I can see it doing well
I already downloaded the whole album. Spite 2-3 songs at the most that can be considered good rockers (in spite of the lyrics) the whole album in the end becomes just Nostradreadful :heh: Sorry Rob, baaaaaaad choice for a third album :ill:
I already downloaded the whole album. Spite 2-3 songs at the most that can be considered good rockers (in spite of the lyrics) the whole album in the end becomes just Nostradreadful :heh: Sorry Rob, baaaaaaad choice for a third album :ill:

I previewed the rest of the album & I think I may pass on it. After the novelty wears off, it's pretty subpar compared to previous Halford albums.