Halford IV: Made of Metal


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Bought the cd a short while ago and am on the first listen. So far tar music reminds me of Turbo and Resurrection. Catchy but kinda on the mild side.
It's already out? I'm wondering about it, and why Halford IV, if only he has two albums in studio?
Is he counting the Christmas CD??? I was curious about that too...anyway I picked it up today and I really like it. A couple songs he's hitting it high all the way through but with the recent state of his voice these days I can understand why it's a bit tamer. All in all I love it...catchy all the way through and straight up no nonsense metal. :rock:
Is he counting the Christmas CD??? I was curious about that too...anyway I picked it up today and I really like it. A couple songs he's hitting it high all the way through but with the recent state of his voice these days I can understand why it's a bit tamer. All in all I love it...catchy all the way through and straight up no nonsense metal. :rock:

yes the X-MAS album had a III with it i believe
Aaaahh...ok....I never picked that one up..the only one. Not that I thought I wouldn't like it...it's just a disc I feel I can still wait on.
Just picked it up for $7.99 at Best Buy. Goddamn does it rock, Halford is back! Personally, I think it may be better than Resurrection (each have throwaway tracks). It'll take some time to determine, but for now, I'm quite pleased on first listen.

Kicks the shit out of Nostradamus that's for sure... A couple songs have a serious Stained Class vibe. :)
I gave it a couple of spins but I'd have to admit that it just didn't do anything for me. :(

I have a feeling in a few months, I'm not going to care about maybe more than 4 songs on this album. Resurrection had the same problem: several strong tracks, several okay tracks, several "meh" tracks. As a whole though, it's not a bad listen and songs like Speed of Sound make a welcome addition on my ipod.
I haven't found a bad track on here so far...I love it..great hooks,snappy verse lines, driving riffs...it's really catchy without being "pop"
Just picked it up for $7.99 at Best Buy. Goddamn does it rock, Halford is back! Personally, I think it may be better than Resurrection (each have throwaway tracks). It'll take some time to determine, but for now, I'm quite pleased on first listen.

Kicks the shit out of Nostradamus that's for sure... A couple songs have a serious Stained Class vibe. :)

but nostradamus was a pure 70's sounding priest album
Can't say I'm enjoying this new release all that much...

I mean, his voice sounds awesomely aged on this, but man - it still can't save how boring these songs are. They just seem to drag on and on to nowhere, and they just feel so generic. I really don't see what's all that catchy, either.

For me, the best thing Rob has ever done was Sad Wings Of Destiny with Priest... And I'm sure people will hate me for that.
Going on the third song and so far it works for me, but I'm not gonna get near 'The Mower' I disliked the song a lot when it came out the single.
It is if your copy of Sin After Sin has 30 minutes of Rob Halford wailing over a keyboard. :Spin:

no my copy of sin after sin has very moody tracks with only a light hint of what the band became in 1980. it is the closest thing priest did to a 70's album other than the actual 70's stuff
Can't say I'm enjoying this new release all that much...

I mean, his voice sounds awesomely aged on this, but man - it still can't save how boring these songs are. They just seem to drag on and on to nowhere, and they just feel so generic. I really don't see what's all that catchy, either.

For me, the best thing Rob has ever done was Sad Wings Of Destiny with Priest... And I'm sure people will hate me for that.

I wouldn't hate you for that. I like this new album but also think the best thing Rob ever did was Sad Wings. That's one piece of work right there.

But I'm scratching my head over some of the lack of love for this new Halford album. It's got a warm sound to it....very smooth listen if you ask me.

But at the end of the day, not everyone is going to like it, and some not even a little bit. Nothing anyone can do about that.

That opinion has to be respected when all is said and done...because sometimes people come around on their own and end up likin' something they didn't at first...and if not??

Not the end of the world. :kickass: