Halford - Made of Metal

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Wow! The Metal God knocked it out of the park! This is a great comeback. The early single "The Mower" is not representative of the album at all. The album is much more melodic than I was expecting judging by The Mower which is by far the heaviest and least melodic tune on the album. Most of the other tracks feature Rob in great form melody and vocal wise. I think this album is closer to Resurrection than Crucible but is overall even more melodic than Resurrection and possibly even lighter aprt from The Mower of course. Some of the lyrical content is a bit funny but I don't really care about lyrics, all I need is a good tune and an epic vocal melody and Mr.H delivers big time

Stand out songs for me are:
Fire and Ice
Speed of Sound
We own the night - awesome
Hell Razor - awesome
25 years
Thunder and Lightning

However I don't think there are any really bad tracks at all apart from The Mower which just doesn't have any real melody of note for me but it gets a little better with a few plays.

Overall I think the album is great and a fince comeback and I far prefer it to Nostradamus. If priest had made this record it would have been better IMO. we just have to hope some of the melody in this record rubs off on the final Priest record whenever that comes out. For now lets' enjoy Made of Metal!
I liked Nostradamus. It was different and I think you can't really compare it to the rest of their catalog because it's a concept album. Kinda like when KISS did Music From The Elder, it doesn't sound like any other KISS album. I'm sure there's more examples, but that one sprang to mind.

I'm sure the next Priest album, if we are so lucky to get another, will be great. I'm a big fan of most of Halford's other project albums with the exception of Two. Even having given it another shot in the past few months, there are some good industrial tracks on it, but overall I think it to be his only flop with a Small Deadly Space not too far behind it.

IMO of course.
I liked Nostradamus. It was different and I think you can't really compare it to the rest of their catalog because it's a concept album. Kinda like when KISS did Music From The Elder, it doesn't sound like any other KISS album. I'm sure there's more examples, but that one sprang to mind.

I'm sure the next Priest album, if we are so lucky to get another, will be great. I'm a big fan of most of Halford's other project albums with the exception of Two. Even having given it another shot in the past few months, there are some good industrial tracks on it, but overall I think it to be his only flop with a Small Deadly Space not too far behind it.

IMO of course.

Completely agree with this. Nostradamus is a fantastic album and was 2nd in terms of album of the year for me that year (yes behind Chinese Democracy). You just have to look at it for what it is. It's symphonic, it's progressive and it's ultimately a concept album. I don't know why people were expecting it to have that non-stop hard-edged Priest sound.

Two was pretty poor. No fault to him, moreso to Reznor for not utilizing his voice. I do admire Halford for trying industrial though. In fact, that's what I admire the most about the guy is that he's pretty much ventured into every genre of metal at one point or another. Small Deadly Space I really don't get why that album turned out so bad. The first Fight was awesome, but that album sucked outside of "In a World of My Own Making".

Anyways, I'm looking very forward to this album, though I have my reservations as I really find the title track to this album of poor quality. I actually really like "The Mower" as I like his really heavy material. If it is as you say more like Resurrection, I'm sure all I'll be happy though. It's on its way to me in the mail, so I'm hoping to get it either today or tomorrow. I've heard that lyrically the album can be sort of silly though. I'll have to judge by myself. While he's not always the best lyric writer, he's one of those songwriters/vocalists that manages to make so-so or crappy lyrics sound better/more majestic than they are by the way he utilizes them in the confines of song.
I just snagged the only remaining copy, or only copy they received, from my local Best Buy. I've listened to the first 4 songs...


I have to go pick up my little metal head from school so I'll be able to listen to the rest momentarily. So far, VERY catchy and melodic metal. This is why I picked Halford to be a headliner in my PP guess lineup for next year.
I couldn't disagree more with your review fire breath. I honestly believe this is the worst album that Halford has ever put his name on, other than Two. I like 3 or 4 songs at most, while I found everything else to me of filler quality or less. I'm almost embarrassed for him, this is not up to the metal god standard (and I hold that standard pretty high, as I sport a priest tattoo on my right arm).

Lastly, for the record, Nostradamus kicked ass... a lot of people just didnt see the genius of it.__
Gotta agree with Metalmilitia2000, this is quite disappointing. I was excited when I heard The Mower, but it isn't representative of the album at all. Instrumentally speaking, most of the songs are decent, but the lyrical content is awful. Songs about a boxer, a bullfighter and Nascar? Really? Are we hoping for the next theme for WWE? Quite a bummer. I think I'll pop in the new James LaBrie now - very impressive.
Gotta agree with Metalmilitia2000, this is quite disappointing. I was excited when I heard The Mower, but it isn't representative of the album at all.

Correct. The Mower is not representative of the album at all. Thank God (or should that be thank the metal god!)! I guess this album is going to divide opinion then. I personally might like this album more than Resurrection in time. Mind you I haven't heard that album in an internity so I can't really compare too much though I know it's better than Crucible already. I think people who think using more melody is wimpy or weak are going to be the naysayers as well as those who worry about lyrical content.
OK I got to listen to the entire album and I can honestly say that I enjoyed it. There are some tracks that were a little different than what I was expecting, but that's not always a bad thing. Those songs; Twenty-Five Years, Matador.. the 3rd one escapes me at this moment.

Solo albums are meant to be different so artists can live out side their "main band box" so to speak. I think this is the most melodic album he's done as a whole. I, for one, was hoping for more "Mower" type viciousness, but I'm OK with spending my $12 on this (digital download not available at this time from what I saw, so I couldn't save $2-4).
I'm not opposed to melody at all - The Mower just gave me an impression that Halford might be headed in a heavier direction. As for the lyrics, I'm not one to pay much attention. They just stand out because Rob's vocals are the feature of the band. Maybe I'm being too harsh - I've only listened to the CD twice. On another note, the distribution of the CD/mp3's appears to be quite poor. For those who download mp3s from Itunes or Amazon, the songs weren't even available yesterday. Additionally, I couldn't find the CD at my local FYE. Best Buy had a whopping two copies.
ugh just a terrible album :( Worst i have heard in a while. What is up with the lyrics? That song about nascar has a terrible chorus. 'Super sonic flying machines'?????:guh:

Sounds like this album was made in a weekend. The only song i sort of like is the Mower. Guess i'll go listen to Crucible and pretend that was the last Halford album.
I've never been a Halford fan especially, but the song titles and lyrics you guys have complained about sound so cheesily rad that its making me want to get ahold of it and listen right now!
I couldn't disagree more with your review fire breath. I honestly believe this is the worst album that Halford has ever put his name on, other than Two. I like 3 or 4 songs at most, while I found everything else to me of filler quality or less. I'm almost embarrassed for him, this is not up to the metal god standard (and I hold that standard pretty high, as I sport a priest tattoo on my right arm).

Lastly, for the record, Nostradamus kicked ass... a lot of people just didnt see the genius of it.__

Okay, now I'm afraid. I hate to say this but the fact that you don't like this and you're about as big a Halford fan as I am isn't a good indication of me liking this album.

As for the distribution of it. Personally, I think he either needs to join up a different label or hire some people that actually know what the hell they're doing. For a while, his stuff was getting pretty well distributed by Best Buy but lately not so much. While it isn't Priest, I would think a lot of Priest fans would be onto this regardless but they won't because of the lack of distribution.
Okay, now I'm afraid. I hate to say this but the fact that you don't like this and you're about as big a Halford fan as I am isn't a good indication of me liking this album.

As for the distribution of it. Personally, I think he either needs to join up a different label or hire some people that actually know what the hell they're doing. For a while, his stuff was getting pretty well distributed by Best Buy but lately not so much. While it isn't Priest, I would think a lot of Priest fans would be onto this regardless but they won't because of the lack of distribution.

Yea dude, this album is disappointing to say the least. I don't mind melodic at all, hell, MOST of Nostradamus was very melodic, and I LOVE that album. And I don't really mind cheesy lyrics either (I DO listen to Manowar), but goddamn, other than The Mower and a couple of other songs, this album has NOTHING going for it. And please, PLEASE, STOP saying this album is a lot like Resurrection, as Resurrection is one of the finest moments in Halford's LONG and impressive history, this album sucks. For the people who hate Crucible... all I can ask is how? It's like Resurrection with even MORE balls (I guess that's how Halford likes it :lol: ). Seriously, this album is so bad that I might just delete it off of my computer and put the cd on a shelf for display only. I really hope my hero hasn't lost it.
Look mate, you can hate the album until the cows come home for all I care, but it sounds like you are starting to pass your opinion off as fact. THis album doesn't suck as you put it. You don't like it fine but to say it sucks is just complete bullshit of the highest order.
Look mate, you can hate the album until the cows come home for all I care, but it sounds like you are starting to pass your opinion off as fact. THis album doesn't suck as you put it. You don't like it fine but to say it sucks is just complete bullshit of the highest order.

It sucks. And yes, it is fact that it is nowhere near Resurrection in terms of quality or content. You yourself said that you have never heard all of Resurrection, so you can't compare the two. It's like comparing apples and gorillas.