Hall of Fame inductions


Apr 23, 2003
Anybody watch it......I mean, yea, I am a proud Michigander. watched and waited for Seger-local hero- and loved Kid Rock's little speech....BUT how about Prince. Great opening set, and that solo during the Harrison tribute, OMFG....that boy can play, shades of Hendrix I tell you....it was freakin' awesome!!!!!!!!! :rock:
We could get a contact high by being in the same room as Richards.

BTW, Prince's music ain't my thing, but when it comes to playing the guitar, he is one BMF!!!! (BadMoFo!)
I caught part of the ceremony last night, I liked the story that Dave Matthews was telling about Traffics' music while he was in Europe. Anyway, is Alicia Keys the most annoying person on the face of Gods Green Earth or is it just me? Oh, and Prince can rip a guitar up when he chooses.
i fuckin hate prince and he sucks ass at guitar. I know lots of people that play better than that girly dressin faggot.

This maybe true...but who's the one with all the cash, and used to fuck Carmen Electra.... :OMG: