

Super-sized Freak Pie.
Oct 23, 2001
armpit of the midwest...
It's that time of year, and as a parent I've been roped into the hell that is picking out a halloween costume. After hours in these irritating novelty stores, I landed upon an aristocratic-looking vampire outfit. Whee. Half-way tempted to just start dressing like that all the time. Stupid business casual....

What's everyone else donning for the best thing imported from Ireland (besides Guinness....)? My 11-year-old just about settled on being an undead priest... almost. You?

Oh, and if you have the opportunity to buy a "goth-style finger ring," I recommend it. They're PERFECT for scratching that spot on your back you can ALMOST reach...
well, i'm too old to trick-or-treat and too young (in theory) to have children that i have to get costumes for, so my halloween will probably be spent the same way as many nights: sitting around drunk off my ass looking for a monster movie marathon some dumbass channel cut the hell out of to watch, unless i can find some friends who'd like to engage in some petty vandalism/theft. so for halloween i'm going to be: a dumbass.
NicodemiX said:
I should be a Black Metal dude. I hope the costume doesn't bankrupt me though.
Really, for that all you'd need is white and black facepaint... Everything else is a bonus... from there, you can get a wig for about $15... the leather's what kills you...that's why late-80s metal was so cool. Get a big-ass blonde wig and you're set...jeans, a t-shirt and raiding your mom's makeup and it's done!

Was seriously thinking of going as Pinhead. Couldn't find it in the stores and didn't feel like finding and filing that many nails into a "bald-wig." Not to mention that bad-ass outfit...talk about going bankrupt....just try finding Cenobite clothing, these days...

We went broke anyway...two kids and two adults. Of course, my common-sense-half forbid the purchase of that nifty sword, so...had to go with what I could do within the limits of not terrifying our yuppie neighbors tooo badly. Probably better from a cost-perspective...it was ceremonial, not functional, but it was still kind of pricey...
Not sure what I'm going to wear this year, but I've already got my daughter's costume: a dolphin. When she tried it on, she thought she was a monster so she started growling like one. Thus: she's one of the "killer dolphins" from that episode of The Simpsons.
Wolftribe said:
More importantly you'll be missing Nile, Vader, Amon Amarth, and Goatwhore
Amon Amarth maybe, but Kreator kills these other bands, wait...yeah they do.

I am going to go as a drunk for Halloween, wait, yeah I am.