HALO: CE remake (2011) & Halo 4 (2012) !!!!!!!


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Officially announced today at E3...

Halo: CE remake due this November, 2011 -

Halo 4 (first part of an all new Trilogy!) due Q4 of 2012 -

I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear this. I'm a huge Halo fanboy, and for one am glad Bungie will not be ruining the series anymore. This news has officially made-up for what a shitty year it's been, and will definitely make the end of the world more enjoyable next year. :p
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oh my god I think i came a little.


Also, whoever writes the music for halo is a genius, it always gives me chills.
Fuck I love halo.
Also, whoever writes the music for halo is a genius, it always gives me chills....

Martin O'Donnell


Haven't they stopped milking this series yet?

Who cares... it's a great storyline, and I for one am glad we are getting a refresh of the classic Halo CE, as well as a continuation of the story with Master Chief. I think Bungie was milking it with ODST and Reach and Halo Wars. But I think continuing with the actual story isn't necessarily milking it.
To me, halo isn't halo if it does not involve Master Chief and Cortana.
ODST, Reach and Halo Wars aren't the same.

I completely agree. I loved ODST for the atmosphere and sort of free gameplay, and the musc... AMAZING SOUNDTRACK! But as far as it being a "Halo", I actually thought of it more as a different game anyway due to the whole ODST vs. Spartan relationship thing going on. Reach and Halo Wars were just ... blah.
I really never got Halo. I mean it was ok but nothing too special. I played it through with my brother and then I played the online game with some of my friends for a while but always returned to Gears Of War 2.
It's not for everyone, that's for sure. I think truly appreciate it you have to sit down and play the campaigns from Halo 1 2 and 3 back to back to get a full appreciation for the story and game overall. Multiplayer is fun and all, but it's even better when you're connected to Master Chief and their cause. Just makes the game that much more enjoyable.

My wife and I actually started playing the Halo 1 and 2 campaign a few years back... we would just turn off all the lights, grab a beer, turn up the sound system, and just immerse ourselves in the storyline. Before you know it, her and I were competing in MLG for Halo 3. :)
^^^ Just getting my girlfriend into Halo, she's bad at modern games, but she's getting into it! She lost her shit at the Ghost Recon Kinect demo! So that could be fun! But my god.. I can't wait for this to come out.. Watched Nintendo's stream before.. fucking sucked... so YAY microsoft :p
^^^ Just getting my girlfriend into Halo, she's bad at modern games, but she's getting into it! She lost her shit at the Ghost Recon Kinect demo! So that could be fun! But my god.. I can't wait for this to come out.. Watched Nintendo's stream before.. fucking sucked... so YAY microsoft :p

Hahaha that's awesome man! Good luck!

And yeah, I agree... Nintendo's preso was lame.
Halo changed the way we played FPS games?? Bullshit. It looked REALLY nice at the time... but the gameplay was no different to other games of the time.
Halo just put FPS on the map for casual that's all.
And those casual will claim that halo was one of the first fps to contain huge outdoor areas and stuff, while casual didn't get to play Unreal which had HUGE outdoor and in 1998 nor half-lilfe nor «insert ninenies fps here».

I personnaly loved Halo 1, especially Sparks 343 attitude towards you but after finishing 1,2,3 back to back I still prefer halo 1.

I can't see a remake of that game, it's probably because graphics nowadays means everything to this generation of gamer, it will just kill the epicness of the original for me. It's a marketing thing I suppose.

I fear the Call of Duty sort of collapsing will happen to halo.
We will see.
I hope this new Trilogy isn't like Star Wars episodes 1-3. I loved Halo 1, Halo 2 was decent and I don't have a 360 so I never got to play Halo 3.

The graphics in the clip didn't look great to me.. damn consoles have stalled the progress there, graphics haven't gotten any better in the last few years at all, even on PC.
Halo just put FPS on the map for casual that's all.

...and that´s enough reason to make it a legend IMO. Halo made FPS huge on consoles. It was the first game to nail the pace, speed and gameplay on a gamepad, and it totally took the online gaming experience to a next level with the theater mode, online 4 player split-screen, etc.

The meelee system is also very unique. Halo is basically the only FPS that I like to play online without a mouse, and it doesn´t even have gore.

IMO instead of ODST and Reach they should have ditched the story and made a very polished multiplayer-only game like Unreal did with Unreal Tournament back in 99.
See, I used to have a 360 waayyy back in the day when everybody played halo 3, but one day I spilled beer on it and it died so started to guitar more instead. Anyways, I love Halo, and the new Halo is making me want to buy a new 360 just for that haha :lol: