Halo Guitars.


May 4, 2005
Ok, so chances are, if you got a band (and a page on myspace.com)... you've been offered an endorsement by Halo Guitars.

So they've tossed tons of offers out around here in the Boston area, but no one I know has accepted the endorsement or even played a Halo guitar.

Have any of you guys played them? Are they worth accepting the endorsement and getting a little bit of a price break?
Cecchini said:
Ok, so chances are, if you got a band (and a page on myspace.com)... you've been offered an endorsement by Halo Guitars.

So they've tossed tons of offers out around here in the Boston area, but no one I know has accepted the endorsement or even played a Halo guitar.

Have any of you guys played them? Are they worth accepting the endorsement and getting a little bit of a price break?

They actually make some pretty sick looking guitars. My friend Shawn Southern is in a band called "Archaeon" based out of San Luis Obispo, they got endorsed and he had nothing but good things to say. He was even telling me how he was a fan of Jag Panzer so I gave him a Chris Broderick business card and told him to take some lessons! :D
Actually, I don't know if he uses a particular model, he just told me that they give him a discount on all his purchases. This was about 6 months ago though, so things could've changed. They definitely have some more "radical" looking guitar designs though.