Halo Guitars?


Just another nobody
Feb 17, 2009

Anyone have experience with Halo Guitars? The price seems hard to beat, but that gives me a little concern. My other concern is that I sent them an e-mail asking just a few questions and haven't received a response. That set off a red flag and prompted this question.
I looked into the one lefty model they offer...looks good up until that weird headstock. So yeah the headstocks turned me off of that prospect. The natural bodies look nice, though.
My band was offered an endorsement deal with them. We went to their shop to check them out and were completely unimpressed with everything. Could have just been a bad experience as some people seem to like them, but I'll stick with my Ibanez.
Our old rhythm player had a deal with them. The Satyr is what he had, and with an EMG 81 at18v in there it sounded ace. Guitar played well and was well built from what I could tell.
There's several threads on the Sevenstring forum about them and none of them are positive. They range from "meh" to "avoid like the plague."
That Satyr really played nicely.....that's all I can say. But my guy did get a Hellfire I think, and that one, not so much. But the Satyr was tits, especially once he put the EMG in there. Very solid feeling, and nice metal tone.