Hammer of Doom


Nov 30, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Hey, folks. I hope that this time I've found a forum where I can actually raise some life, as most that I've found till now have been about as lively as a cemetary. Boring!

I'm not going to go into swathes of drivel about myself, I just don't have the time or inclination to word it nicely. I hope it's a cool place to hang out, and then you'll all find out about me. In short, Australian Pagan Taroist Metalhead Hippy. I love Doom/Sludge/Experimental metal, but also get into prog and power and lots of other miscellaneous stuff. If I like it, I like it. I really would like to meet some cool ppl to talk metal with, most of the idiots around me love hip hop. Ugh.

\m/ Hammer
Thanks, Adrian! Nice to see someone noticed me . . .

Say, there's a bit of a trend here in the introductions forum . . . all the girls get the attention!

So, does it help that I'm a girl? :OMG:

\m/ Hammer
Morning Thorhammer, to answer your Question, there is a poster going around saying if your a girl/chick/young lady/or old lady you get more attention than you would if you were male.

That might be true...but...me I will talk to anyone, its just, a lot of girls are joining this site from all over the world and that's wot I like about the UM.

I get to talk to people outside OZ as I find the Aussie males some wot arrogant, but I still try and make some sort of conversation, and most of them have known each other for years.

I have been using a computer for nearly 2 years now as I never liked the computer, so its all new to me, but that's just me...:)
