The Day of Doom is here!

Black Sabbath - i guess nobody said it because its so obvious, but they should still be mentioned. they invented Doom! they invented Stoner! they invented Metal! Iommi invented the RIFF!

Wino rules!
Reverend Bizarre!
Church of Misery!

there a lot of bands i listen to somewhere in the grey area between Doom/Stoner/Sludge/Metal that im not sure if i should mention...but you like Electric Wizard so i guess i will!

more on the sludge metal side:
Iron Monkey
Acid Bath
Buried at Sea

more on the 70s doom side:
The Sword
Colour Haze

just plain fucking awesome side:
High on Fire isnt really doom or stoner, but the riffs have roots in doom and stoner and add this pummeling drum gallop they just fucking rule get some now!

i dont really care for "doom metal" (ie dead winter's list)
Hyatari is a great one, haven't listened to them in ages though..

I have been meaning to check out the Ahab purely on the grounds of the lyrical basis.
SO to keep David on the ball with things DOOM, I decided he needs a WINO collection.

I'm sending him

The Obsessed - The Church Within
Spirit Caravan - Jug Fulla Sun
The Hidden Hand - Mother Teacher Destroyer
St. Vitus - Born Too Late
Place of Skulls - The Black is Never Far (ok.. not Wino, but the best of their albums eh!)
yeah, lunar womb and church within are my favorite obsessed albums for sure.

ahab also looks really interesting...the guy who does merch for light this city is huge into doom and black metal was telling me about them, sounds like it's worth looking into.
My top doom bands:

Pale Divine
Reverend Bizarre
Warning (Only a recent addition. Had Strength to Dream sitting in my collection for ages, listening to it once for some odd reason, but then when Watching From A Distance came out, I went back to it, and said "Holy shit!". Then I got the bonus Demo CD with the special edition of Watching From a Distance and said "Fuck me HARDER!")
The Obsessed

And of course, Sabbath is in there.
I can tell by their eyes , they're just a bunch of fuckin'
They can't tell just where I'm at
Slice me wiiiiiiiiide
Supergod of evil casting his spell on the Earth
Beware of clockwork devils spreading the word
Don't let them robots fool you about the man in the sky
In their quest to rule our world we are witches at the trial




Control your brainwashed miiiiiind
