Hammerfall fans look away now

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Probably a lounge post but how dreadrully embarrassing. Not cause he's taking part, more cause it's a horrendous song and he sounds awful plus he came near last lol. Mind you i'm expecting the "it's heavier than Hammerfall!" comments thick and fast.

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I'm not sure what the big deal is. Melodifestival is the Eurovision qualifying contest for Sweden, which means anything going through there is going to be Europop oriented. In fact, the heaviest band to even make the Melodifestivalen finals in the history of the contest was Dead By April last year, so that really says alot.

It's Swedish TV exposure, potential to get all the way to Eurovision, etc. Makes sense to me as to why he'd do it.
Okay, I just watched the video expecting Europop, and now I'm even MORE confused by you whiners. What's wrong with this? Really good folky stuff and well performed. Reminds me of Gogol Bordello at times even.
I don't think Cans was bad at all. Did you notice Anders Johansson on drums as well? Good him for him to be seen by a larger audience.
A bit the same as Rick Hughes did here on the local version of The Voice, where he was outed soon, but where lots of people outside the metal world who had never heard the name now know him as a solo singer, and also that his band Sword will release its 3rd CD later this year. Here's a an acoustic performance of of a Journey cover with Hughes and a female singer (Andie Duquette) who was also part of the local The Voice show. It was recorded after Hughes was outed from the TV show.
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Cans has been doing this kind of thing for awhile now and I say more power to him. Metal artists should branch out, just so long as they don't ruin their metal bands in the process. I'm a big fan of Nuno Bettencourt being Rihanna's guitarist too.
Okay, I just watched the video expecting Europop, and now I'm even MORE confused by you whiners. What's wrong with this? Really good folky stuff and well performed. Reminds me of Gogol Bordello at times even.

I agree with this. It's far better music than the majority of Hammerfall's output, and Cans sounded quite good.
That video of Joacim really wasn't bad. I'm not a folk music fan, but the song was good for the style, and Joacim's voice fit in nicely. Though I'm not one of Hammerfall's detractors, even I can say that they've done worse than this. "Any Means Necessary," anyone?

Stay metal. Never rust.
Ralf Gyllenhammar from Mustasch actually entered this year, too, and made it all the way to the finals:

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Big news. Metal musicians doing non metal music. It's actually kind of a pleasant song. Is this was Swedish "country music" sounds like? There are some cool folky parts!
I don't think Cans was bad at all. Did you notice Anders Johansson on drums as well? Good him for him to be seen by a larger audience.
A bit the same as Rick Hughes did here on the local version of The Voice, where he was outed soon, but where lots of people outside the metal world who had never heard the name now know him as a solo singer, and also that his band Sword will release its 3rd CD later this year. Here's a an acoustic performance of of a Journey cover with Hughes and a female singer (Andie Duquette) who was also part of the local The Voice show. It was recorded after Hughes was outed from the TV show.

Rick Hughes also fronted one of the best Ballsy Melodic Hard Rock band of all time. SAINTS & SINNERS.

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I don't think Cans was bad at all. Did you notice Anders Johansson on drums as well? Good him for him to be seen by a larger audience.
A bit the same as Rick Hughes did here on the local version of The Voice, where he was outed soon, but where lots of people outside the metal world who had never heard the name now know him as a solo singer, and also that his band Sword will release its 3rd CD later this year. Here's a an acoustic performance of of a Journey cover with Hughes and a female singer (Andie Duquette) who was also part of the local The Voice show. It was recorded after Hughes was outed from the TV show.

That was pretty awesome also. Looking forward to a new Sword disc.
I'm surprised some people seem to think that this is disliked just because it isn't metal.

I just thought his performance was awful. There's nothing wrong with folk music, Joakim just sang really badly. And this is coming from a big fan.
He doesn't go out of key or come off as pitchy or anything.

In my opinion, he does. I hear him go off key way more here than he does with Hammerfall, BUT, that's only because Hammerfall is louder and faster. Joakim isn't the best singer ever. He goes off-key frequently, and you can really tell when he sings to music like this.

Not the music's fault. I love Joakim and will love him forever, but sometimes things happen.