
Pyrus said:
Possibly one of my least favorite bands in metal today. But I'll leave this thread to the appreciators. ;)

Pyrus said:
Yeah, Hammerfail was good, but see, he already used it. So I had to be TEH CLEVAR with a new one.

Also acceptable:
Those Swedish Nancies

Fuck man... can't stop bashing every band you see even when you say you won't. You are quickly becoming one of the people I loath to see on this board. Amazingly, it's not even because you bash the bands I like. It's because you bash every single band that's mentioned beside approximately...6.

The sign of someone who can't possibly get themselves out from losing and/or being stung with their own words.
I concur. It's a standard response to whiners.

I can recall posting on two threads yesterday about bands I disapprove of, Hammerfall and Morbid Angel. In neither case did I invade a happy appreciation thread; in both I added my viewpoint to a debate that was already going on. It's true that I've probably criticized a lot more bands since I starded posting here than most. I'm a critical kinda guy, and in my own defense, I've exposed a lot of people to bands that they turned out to enjoy.

If you find it so difficult to deal with my opinions, you know where the Forum Jump menu is. Use it. Otherwise, I am open to both rational debate and angry, logic-free flame wars.
I'm the level-headed member of the Metal Inquisition, untainted by booze and drugs. Thusly, I leave my comment at Hammerfail and depart. Also, listen to Blind Guardian, Metal Church, early Fates Warning, Judas Priest, Jag Panzer, Watain, and Symphony X.
It should be pretty obvious. First, you say you WILL NOT invade the thread; then, you proceed to do just that. You just can't resist the urge to bash pretty much everything.
Thraxz said:
It should be pretty obvious. First, you say you WILL NOT invade the thread; then, you proceed to do just that. You just can't resist the urge to bash pretty much everything.
I changed my mind after Mr. Toby decided to be a jackass, which, I suppose, should not be surprising to any of the parties involved.

I like insulting stuff A) because it will hopefully help people move on to better music B) because of reactions such as this one.
You Inquisiton people should be better than this. You owe it to your thrash-loving ways to avoid pointless fucking bickering over something that's not going to change: people's opinions about a band!

I haven't heard these guys in a LONG time, but I liked a couple of their songs back then. Can't remember many, except "Glory to the Brave". Haven't heard it in a year, probably.
Am I the only one here who actualy likes the ballads? I can understand if you don't prefer the ballads, but IMO musicaly they are great. They always seem to add something extra to their ballads that just make them sound so good. Now don't get me wrong I love all the heavy songs that HF has but I just find the ballads to be an extra treat that I always look foreward to.
Well i like Hammerfall and to the person above, yes i like some of the ballads too. They do add a bit of variety to the albums.
I don't care if Hammerfall are seen as cheesy or gay by some members of this forum, i'll still like them all the same.
I don't have a problem with what people like or dislike. What do have a problem with is when people tell me a band i like is "gay" and tell me to listen to "insert band name here" because they are sooo much beter or less gay. Like what you want and don't spend your time going round the forum insulting everyone elses tastes...that is gay.
I like Hammerfall's ballads... I like ALL their shit. I was just disappointed with Cans' performance on "One Crimson Night" He held back SO much I got pissed. It seemed whenever he had to hit the high parts he would just mumble them or let the fans sing it. I'm sorry but after hearing that performance I lost a few points of respect for him.