Hammerslagfestival 2005


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada

The year 2004 has passed on into history, the time has come to reflect on last years HAMMERSLAGFESTIVAL.
All the loose threads, all the dead ends, the chaos, the writings and all the frustration,
all came together nicely just before kick off and Framferd opened the first "Vinterblot" festival.
It all startet rolling, and the audience was held gasping throughout the evening with Lucid fear,
Pantheon I and Gorgoroth.
The old Church in Norways oldest city was about to loose all of the holy blessings it once had housed.

The atmosphere, the dim lights and the HELLISH sound from the "house of god" is something the audience will remember and talk about For months to come.
Also Priest Yngve Jørgen Sagedal will remember this event, as the church called "Spiret", was a place
for methodist`s to meet and celebrate their christian beliefs, now is a place for the ekstreme metal scene
of Norway to unfold its wrath, which also includes bare flames and the decapitated heads of the Norwegian sheep on stakes.

Well, this year will probably not be that different. As bands like Svartahrid and Tsjuder will be on stage on this years
celebration of the ancient Norwegian pagan tradition called "vinterblot" in a city who is 1135 years old and the oldest in Norway.
The word means winterblood and it is a celebrating of the darkest time of the year through sacrifice.

And sacrifice it is indeed as the one man behind the HAMMERSLAGFESTIVAL has to fight his way through
the christian socialdemocracy who does not support his work and stribe for the metal scene and all its actors
in Norway waiting for a scene to pour out
all their hatred and anger, along with their supreme artistic performances.
So, in the festival`second year, it still is solely funded with private kapital from that one man.

Vinterblot december 17`th

The line up for Hammerslagfestival 2005.

SVARTAHRID. (black/vikingmetal)link: http://bandindex.no/info.cfm/5897
With 2 albums on their conscience, the guys from Svartahrid has made som rumors and myths about the black metal scene in Norway.

MYRKSKOG. (Ekstreme deathmetal)link: http://www.myrkskog.org/
The band is currently in studio with material for the follow up on their previous album SUPERIOR MASSACRE.

TSJUDER. (BlackMetal)link: http://www.tsjuder.com/
With the latest album "Desert Northern Hell", they have proved their pure raw black metal.

GRAND ALCHEMIST. (Dark, symphonic and heavy metal)link: http://www.grandalchemist.com/
Has also joined the lineup with their many fans.
They are also in studio finishing their second album and follow up too the well critcised "Intervening coma-celebration"

FRAMFERD. (progressive,symphonic,melodic and dark extreme metal)
Link: http://www.framferd.net
This band has recieved many well spoken words about their music. They are in studio recording their first full length album.

DRAUGSTAFUR.Link: http://www11.nrk.no/urort/user/?id=15127
They have also won "slossfjellet", a local contest where the prize is to perform on the main stage at a festival in Tønsberg.
They will release a demo the summer 2005.