Handful of Hate - Gruesome Splendour


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Handful of Hate – Gruesome Splendour
Cruz Del Sur - cruz21 – November 20, 2006
By Wayward_Son


Released back in 2006, this is apparently the final album of this Italian horde, as the founding member of Handful of Hate has put the band on indefinite hold. According to the announcement in November of last year, the four members could not agree on where to take the band next, thus leading the disbandment. Perhaps they made the correct decision in dissolving the band. The last thing we need is yet another black metal band stuck in the early 1990’s, not offering anything of any relevance or value.

Seriously, is there still a market for this type of black metal in today’s
underground? It simply reeks of lack of creativity, spirit, and heart. Perhaps the band was going for a lifeless, limp album full of songs written over a decade ago.

On the other hand, the band could be commended for sticking with a style even my mother knows has been played to its last breath. This is, after all, blastbeat black metal from the early Immortal, Marduk, and Dark Funeral schools of speed and scree. And this writer would be lying if he said he did not enjoy the first few songs on Gruesome Splendour. Also, when the band slows things down a bit, the songs are able to breathe and become somewhat interesting, such as stormer 'Whiplaw'. The worst part is, is that Gruesome Splendour would be a good listen, if the band weren’t in such a damn hurry the majority of the time.

So, is the black metal pool now worse since Handful of Hate is no more? Faithful Reader, you will not even notice they are gone. Is it better to be forgotten, or remembered in a negative light?

Official Handful of Hate Website
Official Cruz Del Sure Website