Hanging out


Dec 21, 2001
Hey. Just entered into a new feud with my ISP. So i'm stealing Interwebz time at Best Buy in Boston. I know that it's fucking stupid to access passworded accounts over open networks like this but thing is if this account posts a bunch of gay porn, no one will be surprised. Plus, Dan knows me well enough to realize he should call me if my account is saying shit he doesn't like.
But yeah... my vacation from work starts the afternoon of Saturday September 15th and continues until the morning of Monday September 24. If anyone wants to hang out, call me. If you don't have my number, have Dan call me. If Dan doesn't have my number, come into Boston and go to the bank across the street from the Prudential. The teller explaining how a second checking account is *vital* if you're going to have a shitty money pit of a Doom Metal band will know how to find me.
Oh yeah and Dan... if you want me to check more places for ABH, let me know. Right now, I'm killing an hour or so in the heart of Boston. Something tells me no one I visit will stock it but I can check all the gay hot spots no problem!
Yeah kinda missed that. Didn't have Internet until I visited my parents on friday. Will be in Boston Saturday and free Sunday
S'RUMEL RISES AGAIN... well maybe.
Me and Colin are talking about maybe having S'RUMEL make an appearance at the Sonata Artica show to treat the crowd like the worthless peons they are. Call me if you want to maybe do something after that. Grab some beers?
I'm now free Saturdays. New job. Working until 9:30 nightly but am making enough to move back up. Maybe we could start that Journey cover band.