hangovers suck a fat dick

i concur

i just this SECOND before reloading the forum thought "bööö i need to clean and shit but i cant be arsed to cause i have a headache and even moving out of the chair is too much work right now"
you young bucks don't get hangovers? ain't drinkin' enough. :Spin:

the only reason i don't get monster hangovers anymore is because i don't drink like a monster anymore.
One Inch Man said:
you young bucks don't get hangovers? ain't drinkin' enough. :Spin:

the only reason i don't get monster hangovers anymore is because i don't drink like a monster anymore.

If I drank anymore I'd get alcohol poisoning... oh wait.. i've done that too. Still no hangover, but I woke up in the hospital :cry:

I still drink like a monster, but once that starts to cause hangovers... then I'll start throttling back.
I have had 2 serious hangovers in my life, and god they were painful, but I guess I deserved them. I still drink like a monster when the occasion calls for it, but I drink a few litres of water before I go to bed/pass out, that way the only thing I have to worry about when I surface is:
- Where I am
- Where the raisin toast is
- Where home is
In that order.

If your in the habit of drinking like a monster hit up on the vitamin b tablets before hand they really do help.

The ones I have make your pee go a really really funny colour though.
I freaked out the first time, you have the tendency to think somethings up when your piss is orangy brown.
Everyone who regularly drink enough gets mean hangovers, it's not about age.. but I guess it gets worse when you grow old and shit, but I've had 'em since age 13 at least