Happy B-Day TD!!!!!!!!

chiefs45177 said:
The first thing that came to mind when I saw that picture was Rico from the WWE. It's nice to see that they used TD's image for the Smackdown video game:


"Now there is a good looking dude!"

Just for saying that, I am going to punch TD in the mouth next time I see him at a show. I don't care where it is or what show, I am going to introduce those big fucking teeth of his to the knuckles on my right hand. Make sure you pass that along to your boyfriend, mmkay?

You watch wrestling :tickled:
No, I don't watch wrestling. I did when I was a kid, but I think it's dumb now.
Sometimes when I am flipping channels, I will stop and watch it for a good laugh...which only lasts about 3 minutes.
chiefs45177 said:
No, I don't watch wrestling. I did when I was a kid, but I think it's dumb now.
Sometimes when I am flipping channels, I will stop and watch it for a good laugh...which only lasts about 3 minutes.
Cool. And why are still being such a hard ass to our friend TD?? He's always been cool to you, and now you are threatening him with violence! You should know that assaulting or attacking an employee of the state will bring up criminal charges far worse than just hitting any Tom, Dick, or Harry. Are you prepared to go to court with the OEA over silly stuff that was said on the interweb??? :err: