Happy Belated Birthday, Spike!!!


Feb 8, 2003
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Oh dear, Spike. I didn't know it was your birthday yesterday. For someone who's been around as long as you have, you certainly deserve a birthday thread, even if it is belated.


(Don't mind the guy, focus on the CAKE!)

I tried to find you some dancers, but googled this instead (which is even better) :D


HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, THPAKRU!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Happy birthday, birthday boy! :hotjump:
Spike, I hope you realise how fortunate you are to have all these people wish you well...you must have made a mark on them...whether it's good or bad...that's another question ;)
....Well then, I guess this is my official belated thank you post! :tickled:

Of course I'd like to get to everyone, but obviously as you can tell I have been/am a little busy of late... but I'm still around! :D

Li San: How you quite managed to find a cake with 'mike' on it (not that anyone calls me that) is quite beyond me..... I prostrate myself at your feet. (oh, and me likes the weird freaky guy in the cake! =P

and yes, your 'dancers' are much better than what you were looking for. :')

@Xeno: But mike, you promised :cry: (you want me to go find the chat log? :heh: )

@Lolli: thanks for the well wishes ma'am. ^_^ do you mind if I ask why you have a differnt join date now though. (oh, and you can buy me a beer for me b-day when I get there :Smug: kidding ;) )

@Dolly: Thankie missy ma'am ^_^ I think I just might (did) do that!

@TB: Thanks man, if I make my way to Sweden to see Opeth, me and the missus may just buy you a beer. ;)

@Llalla: Thanks for the multicolour text message! I'm sure that would have taken a lot of time. and my favourite colour too! ^_^

@Koich: thanks for the honesty. but what's with the name change? oh, and the first two are feasible and unlikely, but the third one....... BWAAAAAHAHAHAH!! BWAHAHAHHAH... AHHHHH! :lol:

....I'm tired now, but thankies to everyone else as well... and don't worry niklas, we'll do something extra special for you next year. ;)
Happy Day. As usual I'm probably on the late side, but that's to be expected if it is usual...

Have a drink, I'll drink one for you too :)
I know I did wish you a Happy Birthday in a more timely manner elsewhere... but since this is afterall, the Belated thread, I still want to post the real deal... and definitly belated...