Happy Birthday xenophobe!!!

Happy birthday to the most lovable redneck in UM :D


(psst, I let you win at minesweeper last night as a gift ;) )
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Thanks Li! Wow... It's been a while since someone said something that nice to me. :oops: *big hug*

Profånity, you're welcome again! :Spin:

Tara, :devil:

Lady of Bodom, it was pretty nice! Thanks! :)

Thanny, Thanks! You know what I think of you. :loco:

Falling Ascension, Thank you Kind SIR! :p

Lady Oracle, Thank you! *hugz* That's quite a diplay! :kickass:

Brood of Evil, I plan on having a lot more, Thanks!

:wave: Tequilla

Bodomite, Thanks!!! :D

Thank you Charubic!

Beautiful Tristessa, :dopey: hugs are always nice!! :D