I had a lovely, lovely though quiet day and I got some great schtuff and had a yummy Thai dinner, too. Life is good..... :cool:

Ooooo.. I loves me a good Thai dinner. That alone makes it a good birthday.
We live right across from a Thai place that makes some fabulous stuff. They have a real spicy seafood soup that is just killer.

Happy Birthday Aja !!!!

May you get lots of presents, cake and non- contaminated eggplant on your special day !!!

:rock: :) :rock:
A quiet day with great food sounds like a great way to spend your birthday.. and playing in Vegas too? .. Yes, life is treating you very good.

It was a lovely day and I got to be home in time to spend it with my family which was the best present of all.

I have no pix of my gifts Yosmark but I got a lot of goodies - guess I was a good girl this year! :Saint:

Among the highlights is the Bruce Anthology :rock:, a first edition of the Master's, Gichin Funakoshi, autobio Karate Do - My Way of Life, a lovely leopard scarf, and $$$ that is burning a hole in my pocket as we speak!!! :lol: