Happy Birthday Aja!!!!!!!!!!


Rock'n'Roll for papillae
Dec 26, 2006
Luray, VA
Happy Birthday Aja!!!!

Now I know that I'm posting this when it's technically not quite the 27th west coast time. But as it is the 27th east coast time, and you, dear Aja, are east coast born, I will take this oppurtunity to be first to say (or write as it were; I'd sing it to you if I was there in person) Happy Birthday!!!!
Hope yours is a great one!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AJA! I hope you have a wonderful and beautiful birthday full of love and happy things my dear friend! :kickass:We'll have to have a tequila shot after the Canes set as a toast! :headbang:
happy birthday aja!! yay!! that's cool your birthday is so close to the new year when the whole world is also reflecting on the past and looking forward to their futures - it's like the ball drops for you huh! ahhaha, well you know what i mean - cheers to many more!
Happy Happy Birthday Aja!!! I hope the next year is an even better one! Now I'm REALLY bummed i can't make it to the canes show:erk:
good thing i gave you a shot in advance; i'll spot you another at paladino's:kickass: