Happy Birthday Alanbirdsell!!!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Wow, three birthdays in three days. I think Linda, Smylex, and Alan need to get together for one huge birthday bash...

Happy Birthday Alan! The place wouldn't be the same without you!!!
So many birthdays all at one time...Alan, Linda, Jackie...guess there wasn't a lot for our parental units to do in Decembers before the Internet, eh? :grin: Fer chrissakes, READ A BOOK!

Happy birthday Alan! :)
Doodoobubbachuck said:
ALAN!!!! Happy Birthday to our favorite photographer!!!! Hope your day was a blast! :hotjump:
A very quiet day actually, but leaving in a few hours to go to Seattle and do some promo shots for a friend's band befoer they scoot off to Europe and then goin' to see Cirque Du Soliel! Woo Hoo!