Thanks everyone, for your kind words. I am always so humbled.
But how come you always seem to have a great Finnish metalband playing near you in So-Cali on your special day?
You cast spells on them or what?
LOL, I often wonder this myself, how it is that the great Finnish bands like to tour in the fall? Whatever it is, I've never had more perfect timing! But how ironic is that, considering I was born prematurely? Being born early hasn't turned out to be so bad after all!
Happy birthday, C. You get to see Nightwish twice in a row. You get to MEET them twice in a row.
Well, as the band would say, we only did it once "because we couldn't do it twice". We had intended to get meet-and-greets for San Diego as well, but it just wasn't in our budget. I was willing to pay the extra money, but my friends could not afford it and I would not be so selfish as to go off without them while they stayed behind.
However, I had so many wonderful things happen the night before that I certainly could not have asked for more.
One thing about this magical weekend that I want to stress so as it does not get lost among the attention surrounded to my own special day...but another reason this weekend was so wonderful and had such importance was because October 6th (the night of the San Diego show) would have been Zellie's 30th birthday. The show in San Diego was also on the eve of Marc Brueland's birthday (October 7th), so our departed Oceansouls were part of this great gathering of fellow Nightwish fans. I am just honored to be able to carry the torch on their behalf.
I have so much I want to share, but it is also takes some time to put these thoughts down in a cohesive manner. I barely got home at 8 p.m. on Sunday night after spending all day traveling. So please bear with me as I take a little time to write down everything that happened. I promise it will be worth the wait!