Happy Birthday Cris!


Jan 7, 2007
somewhere near Osnabrück, Germany.
I said somewhere that I'll make a thread for your bithday, Cris. So here it is...:)
Happy Birthday! :)

I think there's no thread yet? If there is, I'm sorry...I didn't see.

December 2nd is my birthday. I turn 25 and I hope to get a birthday thread, even though I am not popular:(

But this is not about me, it's about you! Happy birthday:)
I will make a thread for you...:)

...if I don't forget it... :p
I already wished her a happy birthday, but there's nothing wrong with saying it again:

happy birrrrrthday, Cris!!! Have a lot of fun. :)
parabens guria o.O vc me adicionou no msn, mas nunca te vi online *abraços*
Feliz Cumpleaños Cristina !!!!

De todas maneras te felicite el merito día y bien puntual :kickass::kickass::kickass:

Un abrazo Cristina y que sigas cumpliendo más, sólo avisame a partir de cuando le vas a empezar a restar años :lol: