Happy Birthday, Deliverance6 :)

grattis i efterskott, Reece :)

Anders, when it´s my birthday i want the infamous red testpressvinyl katatonia album that Micke Åkerfeldt has... can that be aranged? :D
what did you get from anders!!!....oh yeah...happy b-day brother!!!

hu....my b-day is on august 19....anders ahem.....any gift for me?? ahem....maybe a ticket for de san francisco show?? naah just kiddin Amigos.
hey anders, if you just look at me and wink we'll be straight. cause ill wink back. twice. remember this face. Nov. 17th. Jaxx. Be there.
well.....I did make a request to him.....but I am thinking of this as a suprise......he just asked for my address.......could be an Anders used condom........or a pair of aftershow sweaty underwear.........Anders toenail clippings........one of his cool new Alice Cooper T-shirts.......a pair of leather buttless chaps.......

my mind is racing with the possibilities....:)