Happy birthday, Happy birthday Bobby;we know its so


Mar 26, 2009
Frederick, md
60 candles on a cake so square
that's a lot to blow out, but no one dares

60 candles, what's your birthday wish
do you want to regain your youth
or just your mid-life itch

Happy birthday youngster
respect your elders

60 candles on a cake so square
that's a lot to blow out, but no one dares

60 candles, what's your birthday wish
do you want to regain your youth
or just your mid-life itch

Happy birthday youngster
respect your elders


Thank you old man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Today Im having solar panels installed on the house..:OMG::rock:
Wow! That has to cost a small fortune. Do you get an amazing tax credit for it?

4 Houses in Manville were picked to have them installed free...I live in a court, & Im on the corner & have tons of Sun...And the adjuster said we were prime candidates for this ....Just installation fee & Meter charge...Panels will be installed free with a monthly service charge, we will still have PSE&G for (if Needed) nite time or lack of Sun ....PSE&G meter will spin Backwards when Panels are in use during the day...The Tax credit will be determined when we meet the guy tomorrow at the house,when we sell the house the price will jump amazingly..With 2 bills every month, PSE&G & Solar Company ,they will be cheaper together then what I wound of paid with PSE&G alone..If all gos as Planned after the town approves...Inspected...etc, we sighed the contact Tuesday...Panels will go up Around September
Today they are Measuring the Roof......
You are a lucky son of a bitch. Happy birthday to you!

Thanks, Beverly is still in shock....( so are you going to charge me double for my cds now????:rock::lol::kickass::worship:

"""""Yes this was a great Birthday Gift""""" I had a rough life , so I deserve something over the years......Just being a Mets & Jets Fan Qualifies...
Solar guy on my Roof for an hour Measuring ...then measured the whole House,,,went in the Attic ,went in the basement to measure the Panel for a meter,,,etc. etc,,,4 Hrs of this saturday,,I Even had a giant tree cut down in the back for more sun,,,,$1200.00................still cheaper than If I had to pay. $65,000.00 for Panels!!

Vivint Solar
60 candles on a cake so square
that's a lot to blow out, but no one dares

60 candles, what's your birthday wish
do you want to regain your youth
or just your mid-life itch

Happy birthday youngster
respect your elders


Dear Sir,
We have been inform that a certain song was use without prior authorization.
This is certainly a copywrght violation, and our lawyers will be in touch.
LOL, you old fart
