Renegade Drummer The 5th Beatle Jun 9, 2006 145 0 16 58 Portland area, Oregon Feb 12, 2008 #1 Just wanted to wish Janet (Queenie/Sweet) a Happy Birthday today. Hope you have a good one. Robby
Bartman Chinese fighter pilot Jun 22, 2004 143 0 16 52 Ranch on Mars Feb 12, 2008 #2 Happy Birfday Queenie! ~B
M missjelRETIREDloshot retired user Jan 4, 2008 29 0 1 Feb 12, 2008 #4 Sending you lots of wishes for a wonderful birthday! *HUGS*
dcdelux with all the trimmings! Jan 3, 2008 90 0 6 Feb 12, 2008 #6 I'm so slow today. Happy B-day, Janet!!! Hope your day is a fine one.
Sweet Snow Queen Jan 3, 2008 48 0 6 Colorado Feb 13, 2008 #9 Thank you all so much! I had a great one, spent most the night talking to my family and will celebrate both my Birthday and Valentines Day on thursday. LOL I try to give the hubby a break since he gets hit with two very important dates all in one week. Thank you for all the MySpace B-Day wishes as well! You all "Rock"
Thank you all so much! I had a great one, spent most the night talking to my family and will celebrate both my Birthday and Valentines Day on thursday. LOL I try to give the hubby a break since he gets hit with two very important dates all in one week. Thank you for all the MySpace B-Day wishes as well! You all "Rock"
Sorrell APT Guitarist/vocalist Jan 3, 2008 390 0 16 Fairfield, CA Feb 13, 2008 #10 Happy late B-Day Sweet-One! I hope you made the best of it! I caught ya on Myspace and then forgot to do it here...sorry. SRS
Happy late B-Day Sweet-One! I hope you made the best of it! I caught ya on Myspace and then forgot to do it here...sorry. SRS