Chef Metal
The saYer said:is it today? or did I miss the party?
happyhappyhappybirthday to youuuuu (from liar liar movie)

The saYer said:is it today? or did I miss the party?
happyhappyhappybirthday to youuuuu (from liar liar movie)
Sinner Rider said:Happy belated birthday!...again,hhhahhahahha!!
I was wondering who sent them over!!!!! Thanks a Million Bro!!!tedvanfrehley said:Hey JOHNNY MUTHAFUKIN D!!!!!!!! What's that? A knock at your front door? (tap tap tap) Could that be the 26 strippers I had sent over for ya?!?!? Try not to make a mess and if you look behind your couch you'll see the package I sent. 5 bottles of Gatorade, a jar of Vaseline and a spatula!
ROCK N ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday To Vermont's Finest!!!!!!!
baldyboy said:goddam it,i go away and miss the important stuff.
happy birthday jonnyd,sorry its late fella.
AngelWitch73 said:Heavy Metal Birthday to you JonnyD ! (Sorry I am late, I somehow missed this post the first time around)