Happy Birthday Kirsten!


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
Many greetings to our beloved vocalist. Keep on rockin', my friend! :rock:

Like hurricanes among the crashing waves
Her roar echoes across distant lands.
She stands brave and tall on that glorious stage
One look at her stance we see what separates The Maidens from other bands.

In her thick flowing hair, dark as the night
Pride and power come through.
High tops and leather bracelets, she channels Bruce
But we really are just in awe of you.

The rest of the band soars high and proud
They blast our minds and souls to eternal bliss.
They rock like gods fallen from grace
The Rock doesn't get finer than this.

Kirsten we celebrate her day of her birth
Her mother and father must be well proud.
For your light shines forth so bright and true
The power of metal pours from you so loud!

nice poem jeremy - u were inspired! happy birthday kirsten - my favorite chickinson vocals to date and who's work ethic rivals alexander the great.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRSTEN !!!!!! Did you know you share a birthday with IM's Janick Gers ???????? Yup you both just turned 21 years old today. But in in his case it must have been a U-Turn!!! Happy B-Day, you are the best, and your not a bad little dancer either.
Turning 21 *again* funny metal chick???????????? :OMG:

No one should goooooooooooooooooooooooo.....

Thank you, one and all, for all the sweet and wonderful birthday wishes!!!! I appreciate you all taking the time to post them. And I don't think anyone's ever written a poem in my honor either, so big thank you to Acujer for that! (Very cool.) :rock:

Seriously, everyone, I am really touched by your kindness, and for so warmly embracing me into The Iron Maidens' family. It's been a dream come true--thanks for letting me share it with all of you! :p

And, yes, many happy returns to Lord Gundam, too!
